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Ukraine - page 4

Ukraine marks Day of Dignity and Freedom


On Tuesday, November 21, Ukrainians mark a milestone holiday in the history of Ukraine – the Day of Dignity and Freedom. The holiday is marked annually on November 21 pursuant to the Decree of the President of Ukraine. It is established in honor of the commencement on this day of two significant and fateful events in the contemporary Ukrainian history: the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2013 Revolution of Dignity. The Day of Dignity and Freedom became a kind of successor to the Freedom Day holiday, which was celebrated in honor of the Orange Revolution on November 22 from 2005 to 2011 but was later canceled. It was on November 21, 2013, when Ukrainians started to hold the first protest actions in response to the decision of the then government to stop the country’s European integration and freeze the preparations for the signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The change in the legislatively enshrined priorities of Ukraine’s foreign policy aroused the indignation of Ukrainians.

Court will study videos of officials’ interrogations as part of Maidan killings case


Kyiv’s Pechersky District Court will study behind closed doors the videos of interrogations of high-ranking Ukrainian officials in the process on a motion from the Prosecutor General’s Office to conduct a special pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings on the suspicion of former President Viktor Yanukovych in the crimes that led to the killings of Maidan activists on February 18-20, 2014, the PGO’s press service has reported.

At a meeting on Thursday, November 16, the court heard the testimony of Zakarpattia Regional Governor Hennadiy Moskal. Then the prosecutor in the case filed a petition to examine behind closed doors other statements of officials contained in 38 volumes of materials, with the goal of not disclosing the secrets of the pre-trial investigation.

Yanukovych’s lawyer, Vitaliy Serdiuk, in turn, said on his Facebook page that in this way the court had closed the possibility for the media and society to further examine the videos of interrogations of MP Serhiy Pashynsky, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, Deputy Prime Minister Viacheslav Kyrylenko and other witnesses in the “Maidan case.”

U.S. Senate approves defense budget for Ukraine’s security assistance


The US Senate approved a bill ‘The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018,’ which includes the permission to allocate $350 million on providing security assistance to Ukraine,” the statement reads.

Thus, the Congress completed the procedure for approval of the document, which now heads to the U.S. president, who is expected to sign it.

The draft law authorizes the delivery of lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine and substantially expands the parameters of U.S. support for Ukraine in the security and defense spheres. Thus, the document includes provisions allowing the use of U.S. defense budget funds for the rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian servicemen in U.S. medical institutions, the teaching, and training of Ukrainian medical specialists in this area, as well as the strengthening of the capabilities of the country’s air and naval forces.

For the first time, at the legislative level, it is proposed to provide Ukraine with such defensive means as air defense and surface search surveillance radars, naval countermine means, offshore and coastal ships.

Militants launched 33 attacks on Ukrainian troops in Donbas in last day


Russian-backed militants launched 33 attacks on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in ATO area in Donbas in last day. “Over the past day, illegal armed groups violated the ceasefire 33 times. The Ukrainian Armed Forces opened fire on the enemy 23 times. As a result of fighting, two Ukrainian soldiers were wounded”, the statement reads. In Donetsk direction, militants used grenade launchers and small arms to shell Ukrainian positions outside Avdiivka (18km north of Donetsk). Illegal armed formations also opened fire from 82mm mortars and small arms near Marinka (35 km south-west of Donetsk). In Luhansk direction, Russian-backed militants launched attacks on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Novotoshkivka, using 120mm mortars, grenade launchers, and small arms. ATO troops outside Troitske (69km west of Luhansk), Krymske (42.5km north-west of Luhansk), Zaitsev (67km north-north-east of Donetsk) and Luhansk (59km north-east of Donetsk) came under heavy machine gun fire.


Donbas militants attack Ukraine 11 times on Nov 11, 1 WIA


Russia’s hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in Donbas 11 times on November 11, with one Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action (WIA), according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters. In the vicinity of the city of Donetsk, the militants fired 82mm mortars and infantry weapons three times on the defenders of the village of Zaitseve. One Ukrainian soldier was wounded in of one of these attacks. In addition, the enemy used 120mm and 82mm mortars near the village of Pisky. Read also Escalation in Donbas: 33 attacks on Ukraine troops, 2 WIA’s in last day In the Mariupol sector, the invaders opened fire from mortars, infantry fighting vehicles and anti-aircraft guns near the villages of Shyrokyne and Vodiane. In the Luhansk sector, the Russian occupation forces used small arms near the villages of Novo-Oleksandrivka and Luhanske.

Foreign Minister Klimkin: UN draft resolution on peacekeepers in Donbas practically ready


Ukraine, the United States, Germany, and France have practically prepared a joint draft UN resolution on the deployment of a peacekeeping mission in Donbas. In a commentary to the Podrobnosti Ukrainian media outlet, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin noted that he had agreed with U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Kurt Volker on the basic parameters of the resolution during a recent conversation. “The wording of the resolution, our draft, is practically ready. [We cooperate in drafting the document with] the United States, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The main point is that the whole territory is occupied. We have a plan for further exerting pressure”, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine said. He stressed that the timeline of the peacekeeping mission had not yet been considered, and the issue of its composition and numerical strength would be discussed later.

SAP sent an indictment to Roman Nasirov, the head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


Prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office sent an indictment against the head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov and the head of the repayment department of the DFS debt. This was reported by the press service of NABU (the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine) on November 10. The report notes that the pre-trial investigation in this production was completed on July 28, 2017. The suspects and their lawyers were acquainted with the investigation materials for more than three months. “If convicted persons are convicted in court, they face imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years, with a fine of 500 to 1,000 non-taxable minimum incomes”, – report to the NABU. As is known, on November 10, the SAP approved the indictment in criminal proceedings on suspicion of the head of the State Financial Service Roman Nasirov, as well as the head of the department of the GFS, which was handed over to the suspect and their defenders. Removed from the head of the GFS Roman Nasirov was suspected  in 2015-2016 of acting in the interests of the People’s Deputy of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Onishchenko that gave to the heads of regional and territorial bodies of the GFS an illegal instruction to take unsubstantiated decisions on the installment of the tax debt of OOO Firma Khas, Karpatnadrainvest LLC, , LLC “Nadra Geocenter”.


Ukraine, Turkey hold talks on concluding agreement on development cooperation


The press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine reports that during the days of 8 and 9 of November a delegation of the Government of Ukraine headed by State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development Oleksiy Perevezentsev held negotiations with a delegation of the Government of the Republic of Turkey on concluding an agreement on development cooperation. During the talks, the parties noted that the signing of this agreement would create legal bases for the establishment of the Office of Program Coordination in Ukraine with the aim of developing a fruitful cooperation in the economic and social spheres between the governments of the countries. As a result of the negotiations, the parties agreed on the text of the draft agreement.

EU: 50 mln euros for Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2018


Next year the European Union will allocate 50 million euros for assistance programs of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Berend De Groot said this at a meeting with representatives of the Donetsk Regional State Administration in Kramatorsk on Wednesday. “In Kramatorsk, the representatives of the Donetsk Regional State Administration held a meeting with representatives of the Delegations of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine. According to Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Berend De Groot, the EU plans to allocate 50 million euros for Donetsk and Lugansk regions next year,” the regional state administration noted. These funds will be primarily spent on decentralization programs, development of vocational and higher education and medicine, support for small businesses, and strengthening of the security of communities.

Freeland: Peacekeepers in Ukraine must become a guarantee


Any peacekeeping mission in Ukraine should be in the interests of Kyiv and promote its restoration of the territorial integrity of the state.

This was stated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada Chrystia Freeland, who emphasized that the Canadian government is in talks with other countries on the viability and benefits of peacekeeping and police missions in Ukraine. As we know, Ukraine has familiarized with the UN Security Council with its position on the introduction of peacekeepers in the Donbas and is ready for its own draft resolution on this. But before the launch of the international contingent, Russia insists on the withdrawal of its mercenaries and weapons from the east.

Special Representative of the US State Department for Ukraine Kurt Volker stated that Russians cannot participate in a peacekeeping mission in the Donbass.

Volker believes that the UN resolution on peacekeepers in the Donbass may be approved by the end of this year.

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