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Rouhani: “Iran could remain in JCPOA if interests guaranteed”


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said if the US decided to scrap the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the other parties should guarantee that Iran will get all it wants from the 2015 nuclear agreement.  The US will be the real loser if it walks away from the nuclear accord, he added. “We have our own plan. Either what we demand from the JCPOA is fulfilled by the non-American (parties), (and in that case) the US withdrawal will be the removal of a trouble, or we (will resort to) our legal and rational option… if what we expect is not fully accomplished,” the president said.

He warned Washington against the “strategic mistake” of withdrawing from the nuclear deal, reiterating though that Iran has no concerns about the US’s cruel policies and wrong moves. US President Donald Trump in January set a 120-day deadline for US lawmakers and European allies to “fix” his predecessor Barack Obama’s main foreign policy achievement or face a US exit.

Salehi, Iran will cause a surprise if U.S. scraps nuclear deal


Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi warned of a “special surprise” if the Trump administration goes ahead with its threat to scuttle the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). “The enemies should know that in case of a JCPOA rollback – even though we are never looking for such a situation – special conditions will arise, and when the high-ranking officials decide, there will be a special surprise for those who scuttle the agreement,” he said Thursday, Press TV reported. “We are seriously looking to preserve our national interests and sovereignty, but if the United States withdraws and Europe and other great powers retreat from this agreement, we will definitely do something different,” he added.

Iran prepared a strong response in case of US withdrawal from JCPOA


Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, spokesman for the Iranian Administration Mohammad Baqer Nobakht declared that the Islamic Republic is poised to give “a strong and firm response” to a possible move by the US government to leave the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), stressing that the country has made various preparations for the possible withdrawal of the US from it. The remarks came as US President Donald Trump must decide whether to waive nuclear sanctions on Iran or effectively end the United States’ participation in the nuclear agreement. In October, Trump announced he would not certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement negotiated under the previous administration because it was “in violation of the spirit” of the accord. The Trump administration asked Congress then to come up with and pass a companion agreement that addresses those issues and to modify the legislation that gives lawmakers the authority to slap sanctions on Iran if it decides Tehran is in violation of the nuclear agreement, outlining “trigger points” instead that set off automatic sanctions. Last week, Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State, said that Trump would be inclined to authorize another sanctions waiver if real progress was being made toward the changes he demanded in October.

UNSC Meeting Shows US Isolation on JCPOA


The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations said that the meeting of the Security Council – the 15-member council meeting to review regular report on the Resolution 2231 related to the nuclear agreement – stressed once again the international community’s full support for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and confirmed the importance of its full implementation. The meeting also showed a demonstration of the United States isolation regarding the JCPOA. During the meeting the Permanent Representative of the United States made invented allegations against the Islamic Republic of Iran, coming against the backdrop of US hegemonic intentions in the Middle East region and its expansionist policies. The destructive interventions of the United States in region and the exporting of billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry, some of which ended up in the hands of Daesh terrorist fighters, are indeed the actual causes of instability. Despite the US assured to “make best efforts in good faith to sustain this JCPOA and to prevent interference with the realization of full benefits by of Iran of the sanctions lifting”, the statements of US Representative regarding to the JCPOA are inconsistent with this commitment. The international community should not allow the United States to continue to undermine the JCPOA.

Iranian FM: the JCPOA is not enough


On Tuesday, during his speech at the third edition of the Rome MED-Mediterranean Dialogues, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is not negotiable. He also underlined the fact that the EU’s support for the nuclear deal is appropriate but not sufficient and more practical measures should be taken by the bloc in this regard. Also Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in October had described the stances adopted by some European governments against recent comments made by US President Donald Trump against Iran and the JCPOA as good but insufficient. The Iranian top diplomat in his speech discussed about regional crisis and the necessity, although the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group has been defeated militarily, to defeat Daesh ideology all over the word. “Terrorists should be attacked from cultural, ideological, political and financial fronts and we should restrict their access to financial resources and weaponry”, added the Iranian FM. The Rome MED-Mediterranean Dialogues is an annual high-level initiative co-organized by Italy’s Foreign Ministry and the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI).

Iranian First Vice-President Jahangiri urges EU to resist JCPOA violators

On Saturday, during the meeting with Phil Hogan, the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Iranian First Vice-President, Es’hagh Jahangiri, told him that EU should not bend to the wishes of JCPOA violators. First the Iranian official remarked that: “Economic cooperation between Iran and EU member states dates back to old ages and almost all European giants in the fields of energy,industry, and agriculture have been boldly present in Iran’s market”, highlighting that “till before the implementation of sanctions, the EU was Iran’s number one trade partner so much so that even some EU member states would solely rank atop economic partners of Iran”, as he said. He also reassured the EU Commissioner that the development of relations with the EU is seriously high in Iran and listedthe areas of potential cooperation betweenIran and EU in fields like energy, industry, agriculture, and service. Mr. Jahangiri also underlined that the US propaganda against the JCPOA is the main political barrier for the development of ties between Iran and EU. “Tehran expects EU to confront the US seriously” as he said, adding that the EU did not get intimidated by Trump’s behavior and get more active in implementing JCPOA. The EU Commissioner voiced content with negotiations with Iranian agriculture minister, describing the meeting as positive and constructive.

Era of Unilateral Security, Living in Ivory Towers Over: Iran’s Zarif


During the International Conference on Security and Sustainable Development in Uzbekistan, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in his speech said that the security and the stability of a country depend on the security and the stability of the others: nowadays in an interconnected world, security is not limited to military dimensions, but is a “multifaceted, intertwined and comprehensive issue” and “the era of unilateral security and living in ivory towers and ensuring security based on military power has come to an end since a long time ago”, as he said. He also declared: “In order to achieve security, all must rely on “people” as the most important element of a country’s security to attain an endogenous security, and then achieve a sustainable and collective security through a constructive engagement with neighbors”. To maintain security, it is necessary to create fraternal and balanced relations based on the principles of mutual respect and interests: “The strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the development and boosting of cooperation in various fields, making efforts to establish and maintain peace and stability in the region, as well as convergence and cooperation with regional institutions and international organizations”, as FM Zarif said. At the end of his speech, FM Zarif underlined that Iran has fulfilled its commitments under JCPOA and has proved its compliance with the principle of non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is not only religiously opposed to the development, production, and use of nuclear weapons, but also seriously believes that these weapons per se undermine stability and security, and must be eliminated from the world”, as he said.

Iran deal proves diplomacy can replace war: Official


In a speech on 72nd anniversary of the UN foundation in Tehran, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Abbas Araghchi, said that the United Nations has been turned into one of the cornerstone of international cooperation in recent decades, a silent platform for member states and other entities committed to spread peace and security. The deal JCPOA is a clear example of how diplomacy can replace the prospect of conflict and war. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is an international agreement on the nuclear program signed by Iran and by the world major powers in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief. The recent drastic changes in the internal politics of the United States has put JCPOA under pressures, giving rise to voices seeking crisis and conflicts. The radical approach of the US on the global issues and the negation of collective diplomacy could be considered a serious threat for the whole world, for this reason the Iranian official underlined how the UN had to throw its power on JCPOA because its implementation should raise hope for a peaceful and understanding world. “The UN gives us the sense that we are not just states seeking our selfish goals, with no considerations of other opinions and needs and sufferings; It gives us the hope that we can and should try to make a better world through peaceful means, understanding and dialogue” Araqchi said. During the ceremony, the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister also expressed his special thanks to the UN Resident Coordinator in Iran, Gary Lewis, for his devotion and hard work in Iran, primarily on the development projects and humanitarian assistance.

AEOI Chief: Possible US Sanctions against IRGC Means Declaration of War


Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi warned that his country considers sanctions and blacklisting of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as declaration of war by Washington. “Given the fact that the Army and Armed Forces guarantee protection and security of any country, we consider this measure as declaration of war”, Salehi said, addressing a group of media elites and analysts of British think tanks in London on Wednesday. He also warned that breaching the 2015 nuclear deal by the US President Donald Trump will entail global repercussions. More in his meeting in London, Salehi hailed European states and other parties’ stances in support of the JCPOA, saying that Iran will take appropriate decision considering US administration’s behavior towards the nuclear deal.

Violation of JCPOA by Trump will have int’l consequences: Salehi


Iran’s top atomic energy official said on Wednesday that breaching the 2015 nuclear deal by the US President Donald Trump will entail global repercussions. Chairman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi made the remarks in a meeting with a group of media elites and researchers of British think tanks. The US president is to decide whether he certify the landmark nuclear deal between Iran and the world six major powers or not. He has signaled that he is to withdraw his endorsement of the 2015 nuclear deal which is also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Trump’s administration has so far twice certified Iran’s compliance with the deal. However, if he refuses to do so for a third time, then the Congress will have 60 days to decide whether to re-impose sanctions waived under the deal. That would let Congress effectively decide whether to kill the historic deal.

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