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Ali Bahr

Houthi militias forcibly recruiting children in Yemen’s Al Mahwit


Houthi militias embarked on a forced recruitment campaign targeting the children in the northern Yemeni province of al Mahwit, an area under Houthi control. Local sources confirmed that the leadership of the coup militia in the province of Al-Mahwit asked the Directorate of Jebel al-Mahwit and several directorates to support their fronts with 170 fighters as compulsory conscription. Al-Mahwit Media Center said that the militias held a meeting on Monday to approve the formation of a committee to carry out the effort to impose recruitment on citizens. The committee involves the director of the al Jabal directorate Ali al-Tayari, the secretary-general of the local council Yahya Khadeef, the Houthi leader, Abdul Jalil al-Asiri and Ali Bahr. The militia fronts have witnessed a large deficit and a severe shortage in their fighters, after thousands of them were killed on the fronts and the majority fled, forcing them to resort to forced conscription and intensifying the mine layering in an effort to disrupt the progress of the national army supported by the Saudi led Arab Coalition.

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