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EUROPE - page 48

Minister Sarovic: We will renovate the Church together with Metropolitan


The new Mitropolitan of Dabrobossnian Hrizostom have recently taken charge as the successor of the Mitropolitan Nikolaj and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH Mirko Sarovic said that this event is really hopefull and it stands for a new beginning for all the Orthodox believers. Minister Sarovic stated that he’s personally really happy for the new establishment and he added that he will restor Mitropolitanate, the church and the property of the Mitropolitanate. The Minister also added that it will be a chance to cooperate and improve so far better.

Ukraine reports 26 attacks on its troops in Donbas on Sept 2


Russia’s hybrid military forces attacked Ukrainian troops in Donbas 26 times on Saturday, September 2; there were no casualties among Ukrainian soldiers, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) Headquarters. “Late last night, the enemy intensified shelling of Ukrainian positions in the ATO zone. After 18:00 local time, provocations with the use of small arms became more frequent both in the Donetsk and Mariupol sectors”, the ATO HQ said in an update on Facebook on Sunday morning. In particular, Ukrainian positions near Avdiyivka’s industrial zone came under fire four times – the militants used small arms and a grenade launcher. In the evening and at night, the enemy attacked Ukrainian troops stationed near the villages of Zaitseve and Kamianka twice, near the village of Mayorsk three times. Russian proxies also shelled Ukrainian positions near the village of Vodiane in the Mariupol sector four times, using a grenade launcher, a large-caliber machine gun and small arms, the ATO HQ said. Attacks on Ukrainian positons with the use of small arms were reported near the villages of Talakivka and Hnutove, while the village of Shyrokyne, which is about 23 km from the Ukrainian-controlled strategic port city of Mariupol, came under fire from a large-caliber machine gun twice. The situation in the Luhansk sector was relatively calm. However, at about 20:00 local time on Saturday, Russian-backed militants opened fire from a grenade launcher near the village of Novozvanivka, the ATO HQ said.

PM Zaev calls referendums on refugee settlments ‘political manipulation’

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In the course of the day from Veles the Macedonian Prime Minister Zaev told to the reporters that the referendums on construction of apartment blocks to house of refugees, convened by several municipalities in Macedonia in the same day of local elections on October 15, are a manipulation to divert the public attention from the local elections. If the municipalities were to hold a refendum on refugees transfer in Macedonia , the party of  the Prime Minister Zaev ( SDSM ) would take part to prove that 100% of electors say would not to build refugee camps.

Brexit consequences raise doubts over future defense industrial collaboration

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According to a report from Ares, a network of European think tanks, brexit could put pressure on missile-maker MBDA. British companies will no longer benefit from Community credits outside the EU, and this could have a negative effect on the company’s integration process. This issue is particularly acute with regards to MBDA because this European consortium of missile maker is going to have problem with his Britain unit, which since 2006 have seen highly cooperations between France and Britain. The report underline this strong cross-English Channel in MBDA, pointing out that London and Paris ratified the One Complex Weapons strategy in 2016 even after the U.K. referendum returned a vote in favore of leaving the EU. This project is a convincing model of industrial consolidation in the field of European armament, and so it’s no one’s interest to rule out future cooperation. The U.K. also pursues bilateral cooperations with other EU states, including Germany, Italy and Sweden, the report said, and so those companies that have many activities based in Britain will encounter similar problem. “We are leaving the EU but we are not turning our backs on Europe” said British Prime Minister Theresa May, the report noted, and this gives hope for future collaborations in this field.

Bulgaria Sets Priority on EU Membership for All Western Balkan Countries

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Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva Saturday said that one of Bulgaria’s key foreign policy priorities is to see all countries of the Western Balkans join the EU when they are ready because the region is not stable yet. Zaharieva is in Varna for the 10th Summer University of GERB’s Youth organization. Her recent visit to Montenegro gave her grounds to believe that Bulgaria and Montenegro can set a good example to the Balkans. The Foreign Minister said she was glad the Balkans are one of the key priorities of the European External Action Service. Zaharieva also said there is no way only a certain group of countries can bear the brunt of the migrant crisis. “We should not close our eyes to the fact that those are not refugees but illegal immigrants. If we are to stem their flow, we should not only show solidarity with one another, we should mount a concerted effort. The situation now is worst in the Mediterranean and we should show solidarity with Italy”, she said.


Ukraine tightens control over entry/departure of foreigners.


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed Decree No. 256/2017 to enact a decision taken by the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) on July 10 to strengthen control over entry into Ukraine, departure of foreigners and stateless persons from Ukraine, their compliance with the rules of stay in Ukrainian territory, the presidential press service has reported. In order to ensure national security, the strengthening of control over entry into Ukraine, the departure of foreigners and stateless persons from Ukraine, their compliance with the rules of stay in Ukrainian territory, the NSDC instructed the Cabinet of Ministers, within a month’s time, to implement comprehensive measures with the participation of the SBU Security Service of Ukraine to tighten control over entry into Ukraine, the departure of foreigners from Ukraine, including citizens of the Russian Federation, and stateless persons, their compliance with the rules of stay in Ukraine. The government was also instructed to take measures to improve the legislation on the procedure for registration of residence/stay of foreigners in the territory of Ukraine, including Russian citizens, and stateless persons who come from migration risk countries or enter Ukraine from the territory of such states.

Russia voices concerns over Ukraine-Croatia contacts


Moscow is concerned over contacts between officials of Ukraine and Croatia on “returning uncontrolled territories,” which run counter to the Minsk peace agreements, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday. In late August, Kiev hosted contacts of Ukraine’s authorities with Croatia’s Former Justice Minister Vesna Skare-Ozbolt, Former Deputy Interior Minister Yoshko Moric and ex-chairman of the government’s committee for refugees and displaced persons Lovre Peykovich. “Judging on the current information from mass media, the meetings discussed issues of “returning uncontrolled territories” based on Croatia’s experience in the 1990s,” the ministry said. This was “negative experience” as Zagreb’s military operations in 1995 resulted in 250,000 Serbian refugees and numerous deaths, it noted. “Any mentioning of “military scenarios” towards Donbass looks especially flawed and immoral now, in the first days of the school ceasefire approved in the Normandy format”, the ministry said. Russia seeks to foster friendly ties with Croatia and calls on Zagreb to “use all possibilities to encourage Kiev to consistently and fully comply with the Minsk agreements for the soonest settlement of the domestic Ukrainian crisis by peaceful means and ensuring sustainable stabilization of situation in Ukraine’s southeast”.

Parliament Opens New Session


The five parliamentary groups read out declarations at the opening of Parliament’s new session on Friday. GERB Floor Leader Tsvetan Tsvetanov said the new session is of key importance in view of Bulgaria’s EU Council Presidency in the first half of 2018. The National Assembly will play a very important role as it will host six events. He stressed that it was on Bulgaria’s insistence that the Western Balkans became one of the priorities of the EU Presidency Trio of Estonia, Bulgaria, Austria. He stated that GERB will firmly counter any attempts to denigrate the state bodies for political purposes. “The opposition should realize that [spreading] fake news about the political opponent is not the way to win popular approval”, he said. BSP for Bulgaria Floor Leader Kornelia Ninova noted that the new session was opening on the eve of two important events: Bulgaria’s EU Council Presidency and the drafting of the national budget for 2018. She pledged her group’s support for the policies of Bulgaria’s EU Presidency because this is in the national interest. BSP for Bulgaria will propose a new Bulgarian Development Bank Bill to refocus it to SMEs. Ninova also stressed that her group sets a high priority on anti-corruption legislation. Addressing the legislature on behalf of the United Patriots Parliamentary Group, its Floor Leader Volen Siderov cited the border fence against illegal migrants and the increase of the minimum pension as examples of constructive and effective thinking with a tangible result. Siderov insisted on acknowledgment of the coalition Government’s achievements, citing the easing of administrative burden for companies. “The Presidency of the EU Council requires a new vision and a new governance formula based on fundamental consensus”, Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) Floor Leader Mustafa Karadayi said, reading a declaration on behalf of his parliamentary group. According to the MRF leader, the new parliamentary session has a serious law-making agenda, and the last stage of preparations for the Presidency of the EU Council is forthcoming. Volya calls on Parliament to focus on two essential things during the present session: improving people’s living standards and curbing corruption, Plamen Hristov MP said in a statement on behalf of the Volya Parliamentary Group.

Turkey reiterates its readiness for cross-border offensive against all terror threats

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Ankara says it’s ready to make another operation ‘Euphrates Shield’ in order to put an end to the experiment of PKK in Syria. Erdogan complains about his own allies in the country.


World’s silence on Myanmar violence against Rohingyas ‘a portrait of shame’: presidential aide

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Erdogan calls on the international community to look at what is happening in Myanmar and to intervene in order to stop this humanitarian crisis. He asks the UN to change its attitude towards Muslim countries.



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