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EUROPE - page 47

EU Minister Çelik set for talks, Merkel wants end to accession bid


Turkey’s EU Minister Ömer Çelik will hold talks with the foreign ministers of EU countries at an informal meeting this week, following the harsh debate between Ankara and Berlin after the detainment in Turkey of the two German citizens. “Turkey is moving away from the path of the rule of law at a very fast speed,” Merkel said the last day. Turkey responded that she should not “use Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as election campaign material.”This lead to the EU’s term president, Estonia, hosting a Gymnich meeting on Sept. 7 and 8 in Talinn, at which EU foreign ministers will discuss a wide range of issues in an informal environment.

Turkey to send 1,000 tons aid to Rohingya Muslims


Following President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and de facto Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s discussion on Tuesday regarding the Rohingya crisis, Turkey has been permitted to send 1,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the region. The aid will not be limited to food and clothing, but will also include medicine and health products sent intermittently. They also discussed options for delivering humanitarian aid and resolving the crisis. Erdoğan condemned both terrorism and the use of disproportionate force. Myanmar had before blocked all United Nations aid agencies from delivering food, water and medicine to Rohingya Muslims: TIKA will be the first foreign agency to enter the region. On Wednesday Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu will travel to Bangladesh’s Dhaka to speak with Rohingya refugees.

Serbian PM meets with US State Department official


PM Ana Brnabic on Tuesday met on the margins of the Bled Strategic Forum with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Brian Hoyt Yee. The Serbian government announced this on its website – adding, while quoting Brnabic – that “one of Serbia’s foreign policy priorities is a continuation of the positive dynamics of relations with the United States of America”. They also “discussed the European path of Serbia and agreed that the European integration of the entire region is a key element of regional stability and development”. Brnabic said that EU membership is a foreign policy priority for Serbia, that our country will remain a reliable and credible EU partner, but that it is very important that all EU institutions have a constructive approach and that they are open and ready to admit new members. They also “spoke about the improvement of economic cooperation and agreed that there is room for its intensification, first and foremost in the fields of energy and mining”

PM Marković: To finalise Business Zone Mojkovac in 2018


The Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković said today to the leadership of the Municipality of Mojkovac that the campaign to develop the area and the Northern Region has to be stronger in order to create new jobs and to offer a better life. He added that one of the priorities should be the opening of the Business Zone in Mojkovac next year and the plan is already done. Dealing with tourism, he said that it’s really important to improve the chance of the area but it is really crucial as well to protect the Tara river. Mayor of the Municipality of Mojkovac Dejan Medojević informed the Prime Minister about the progress they made in making the area better, expecially in building new roads.

Why Serbia must recognize Kosovo’s independence


According to David L. Phillips, director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Brussels insists on normalizing relations with Kosovo before it can enter the European Union (EU). So far, 114 nations have recognized Kosovo’s independence. However, Serbia fights Kosovo’s efforts to gain greater recognition globally. It also supports private parallel structures in northern Kosovo, which undermine Kosovo’s sovereignty and foment disorder among Kosovo Serbs. The Kosovo-Serbia conflict can be resolved through more effective international mediation. Diplomacy works best when Europe and the United States work together.

Critically large percentage:” Every third Ukrainian denied Canadian visa.


Ukrainian Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Canada Andriy Shevchenko says that Canada denied a visa to 34% of Ukrainian applicants in the first three months of 2017, according to the Ukrainian portal “We now have a catastrophically large share of denials of Canadian visas to Ukrainians. [This is] a critically large percentage of denials. If last year the number of denials decreased to 24%, then this year 34% of Ukrainians were denied Canadian visas in the first quarter”, he told Shevchenko says this is connected with outdated assessments of Ukrainians and the associated migration risks prevailing in consulates and embassies. “And it seems to me that the visa-free regime with the European Union should encourage our Canadian friends to reevaluate this story. Ukraine is not currently among the countries with the highest migration risks”, the ambassador said. At the same time, he mentioned positive changes in the visa processing procedure. On June 16, Canadian MP from the Liberal Party Borys Wrzesnewskyj called for the abolition of visas for Ukrainians, following the EU’s example.

Serbia and Slovenia enjoy “good and friendly” relations


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says that relations between Serbia and Slovenia are “good and friendly”. Slovenia is one of Serbia’s largest economic partners and provides strong support to Serbia on its European path and its experience in many areas is of exceptional importance useful for Serbia, primarily in the local administration, she said late on Sunday. On the eve of the Strategic Forum in Bled, Brnabic met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration Boris Koprivnikar, with whom she discussed a number of issues related to the promotion of the cooperation of the two countries, especially on how to become more modern, more advanced and more helpful to citizens, the Serbian government announced. Brnabic stressed that “it is very important to mention that Slovenia is a true advocate of the EU enlargement and European integration of Serbia and that it offers great support to our country on this path”. Boris Koprivnikar said he was looking forward to continuing cooperation with Brnabic, and explained that the projects being worked on “are aimed at better functioning of the entire government and the public sector”.

Terrorism: EU, more dead due to lack of information exchange


The EU commissioner for Migration, Home affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos during an audition at the LIBE Committee declared: “with no doubt a more rapid and efficient exchange of informations could have saved some lives”. Mr Avramopoulos asked for a more trustful cooperation between all the countries, and asked to the MEP to move forward on the project Eu-Lisa, an European Agency for the management of IAs. He also demanded to focus on the work of the interoperability of infos systems, that could give the possibility to look at informations of more database in a more easy way.

North Korea: Mogherini, on top of EU foreign policy agenda


The High Representative of EU said that the situation in the Korean Peninsula will be a priority for the informally Foraign Affairs Council that will take place in Tallin on Thursday. Mrs. Mogherini had an important meeting with the leaders of Aiea and CTBTO to discuss about how the EU and the international organizations can cooperate to enforce the nuclear non-proliferation agenda. Even Donald Tusk said that the H-Bomb test led by DPRK, force the international community to stand together for a strong reaction and asked to the UN Security Council to adopt further sanctions to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.

Minister Ivaylo Moskovski: Memorandum with Greece to define transport corridor


The corridor is aimed at integrated connectivity, business and industry development, and operating compatibility between the two European states. The corridor combines rail and port infrastructure. The two countries will together study the rates of return and traffic. According to Moskovski, a period of 10 years is real, objective and sufficient for the construction of the corridor. Investments in the Bulgarian section alone are estimated at EUR 1.07 billion. The options for financing are currently discussed with the Greek colleagues. The project could be financed under the Juncker plan or attract the interest of the European Investment Bank and the other major banks, the minister said.

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