Geopolitical News from the modern world


admin - page 5

admin has 53 articles published.

Beirut, 100 morti e mille feriti per esplosione


Una esplosione devastante nella zona del porto di Beirut ieri nel tardo pomeriggio ha distrutto una vasta area della capitale.

Ad esplodere sarebbe sttonun magazzino dove era posto sotto sequestro un ingente quantitativo di Nitrato sequestrato dalle autorità libanesi.

Il ministro degli interni Mohammed Fahmi ha riferito che da una prima ricostruzione il nitrato di ammonio sarebbe stato posizionato nel magazzino dopo esser stato sequestrato da una nave mercantile nel 2014.

Nei video disponibili in rete si vede molto bene che l’esplosione ha provocato una grande nuvola arancione tipica del rilscio di un gas tossico e nel Paese e’ forte la preoccupazione anche per le tossine presenti ora nell’aria.

Il ministro della salute libanese Hamad Hasan ha consigliato a chiunque possa di andare via da Beirut.

Nell’esplosione sono stati coinvolti anche alcuni militari italiani della missione UNIFIL

Un militare italiano del contingente ha riportato lievi ferite.

È stato lo stesso militare a informare direttamente i familiari sul suo stato di salute.

Sul posto, in stretto coordinamento con le forze di sicurezza libanesi, sono intervenuti i soccorsi del Sector West di Unifil che stanno provvedendo all’evacuazione del personale.

100 i morti provocati dalle esplosioni Lo ha reso noto la Croce Rossa libanese. I feriti sono oltre 4.000. Ma è purtroppo ancora un bilancio provvisorio. Media locali parlano anche di centinaia di dispersi sotto le macerie.

Russia in Crimea: Current Risks and New Challenges

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By Prof. Borys Babin.  

Attempt of annexation and ongoing occupation of Crimean peninsula by Russian Federation (RF) caused not the crisis of modern international law and relations systemonly. It started also the system of negative processes in areas of militarisation, nuclearisation, international criminal traffic, navigation and aviation safety, connected with Crimea. Systematic violation of religious, linguistic and cultural rights of Crimeans, also as the racial discrimination of the Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in region, brutal violation of personal human rights are sustainable factor for all six years of Russian occupation the peninsula. Keep Reading

Parade amid pandemic — geopolitics or international crime?


Over the past 24 hours, from April 1 to 2, Russia officially reported 771 new coronavirus cases (although few still believe the official data released there), which brings the total count to 3,548 with 30 deaths. Meanwhile, preparations are ongoing for the May 9 Victory Parade on Red Square, with a large-scale rehearsal being part of it.
Despite the rapidly developing pandemic, the scale of which in Russia has been concealed for several months, as well as the lack of necessary equipment, medications and professionals to fight the coronavirus, Moscow is not suspending its propaganda projects. And it’s pretty clear that Victory Day parade is not about paying tribute to the Soviet soldiers killed in World War II but primarily the propaganda stunt to promote the “greatness” of the Russian army.
Video of a major rehearsal was posted on social networks (, shocking users.
The fact is that during the event involving several thousand Russian troops, not one was seen wearing personal protective gear. No face masks in sight, not to mention gloves to protect hands or goggles to protect a mucous membrane of the eyes.
On the other hand, it seems that the issue of holding a large-scale parade has already been agreed directly in the Kremlin. After all, today, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters that there have been no decisions to change plans for the Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9 because of the coronavirus!
It should be noted that the Red Square parade scheduled for May 9 is set to take place precisely at the time when the coronavirus epidemic in Russia will reach its peak, according to experts. As international organizations state that Russia isn’t effectively countering Covid-19, while hiding its failures through propaganda efforts and rigged stats on the epidemic scale, this peak period could lead to truly catastrophic consequences.

Russia attempts to avoid responsibility for the crash of MN 17


The trial of four men accused of murder over the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in Ukraine in 2014 will be adjourned until June 8 to give defense lawyers more time to prepare, judges at the hearing in the Netherlands ruled on March 23. The MH17 criminal trial resumed at the District Court of The Hague on Monday, March 23, to prosecute four suspects over their alleged responsibility for the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. While the public and the media was not allowed to attend due to coronavirus measures, the hearing was streamed online. Keep Reading

Kremlin’s plan to “save” Italy, or a tombstone for another EU member state

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As we know, Russia recently sent its aid to Italy, the country suffering from a raging coronavirus. The move raised plenty of questions — regarding the appropriateness of this “aid”, which won’t be critical in the fight against Covid-19, as well as the moral aspect, given the concealment of the epidemic in Russia, where experts and equipment, now deployed to a distant NATO Ally, would be of a much greater benefit. (By

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PS752 downing: Ukraine releases intercepted tower communications proving Iran was aware of missile launch all along

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The record proves that the Iranians saw the missile from the moment it was launched and to the very moment it hit the Ukrainian plane.

In breaking news from Ukraine, intercepted communications were released by TSN.Tyzhden between Tehran Airport tower and second pilot of Iran’s Aseman Airlines flight at the time of the crash of Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752. The Iranian civilian plane’s pilot saw both the missile launch and the blast, audio recordings, TSN says were received from intelligence services, prove.

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Ukraine at UN provides evidence of Russia’s violations of international law in Azov and Black Seas

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Ukraine’s delegation has informed UN member states of Russia’s consistent and gross violations of international law in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea, the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations has reported.

“UNCLOS [the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea] provides Ukraine with exclusive rights to the living resources within its territorial sea and exclusive economic zone. Since 2014, the Russian Federation has deliberately and blatantly violated those rights in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait,” Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the UN Volodymyr Yelchenko said, while addressing the UN General Assembly on December 11.

He informed the audience that in February 2018, Ukraine filed a Memorial with the UNCLOS Tribunal establishing that Russia has violated Ukraine’s sovereign rights in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and the Kerch Strait.

“Through these violations of international law, Russia is stealing Ukraine’s energy and fisheries resources, harming the livelihoods of Ukrainian fishermen, and blocking traffic to Ukrainian ports with its illegal bridge over the Kerch Strait, among other serious violations,” he said.

The diplomat also emphasized that since April 2018, more than 200 vessels have been discriminately stopped by Russia in violation of fundamental obligation under UNCLOS. He added that the Russian Federation did not stop on that and engaged in “new horrible violations of UNCLOS.” “Just 2 weeks ago, Russia attacked, seized and detained Ukrainian navy vessels in Ukraine’s exclusive economic zone,” Yelchenko added.

“Ukraine believes that Russia must and will be held accountable for its serious breaches of the international law of the sea,” the Ukrainian diplomat said.

On December 17, the General Assembly of the United Nations will consider a draft resolution on the militarization of the occupied Crimea by the Russian Federation, taking into account Russian aggression in the Kerch Strait, and in particular the seizure of Ukrainian vessels and crew. At the same time, representatives of the United States, UK, Lithuania, Sweden, Germany, Estonia, Croatia, the Netherlands, Poland, Georgia, Latvia and Canada, stated in their addresses that they had co-authored the draft resolution.

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