Geopolitical News from the modern world


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admin has 53 articles published.

Collectively deterring Russia key to preventing major war in Europe

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The processes unfolding in Russia testify to the Kremlin’s preparation for large-scale territorial expansion into Europe. During 2024, spending on the army and defense industry will for the first time make up a third of all budget expenditures. In particular, under the National Defense budget section, Russia plans to spend 6% of the GDP, which is 70% higher against 2023. It is predicted that the financing of the Russian army in 2025-2026 will further increase: by the end of 2026, the Russian army will likely amount to over 2 million personnel.

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Russia Intensified Its Propaganda in Europe Using Pseudo-Pacifists

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For a long time, Italy continues to be the main subject of Russian propaganda in Europe. In 2023, pseudo-pacifist movements became active in the Italian information space, which actually call on Rome to stop supplying weapons to Ukrainians and negotiatewith Russia. Propaganda is spreading about Italian society’s fatigue from the war, the country’s economic exhaustion, and the need to lift anti-Russian sanctions. There have been growing callsfor a compromise and giving up to Russia the occupied Ukrainian territories. All this is based on the false idea that Vladimir Putin would agree with the current status quo and to stop further Russian aggression against a sovereign country.

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Russian Style Jewish Pogroms. What has happened in Dagestan?

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Modern Russia has once again become full of undisguised anti-Semitism. Reports about anti-Semitic rally in the Russian republics of Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria grabs the headlines, the main demand of which is to expel Jews from the region. Footage of how an angry crowd stormed the Makhachkala airport on Sunday evening, outraged by the arrival of a passenger plane from Israel, cannot but cause concern.

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Elections in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Will Become Another Hybrid Threat to Europe

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Illegal elections in the Temporarily Occupied Territories (TOT) of Ukraine are a gross violation of international law by Russia, as well as an attempt to legitimize the occupation of Ukrainian territory in the eyes of the world community. On September 10, 2023, the Russian Federation will hold elections at various levels, including elections in 79 municipal unions of the Russian occupation administrations of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine, which are controlled by the Russian army

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Putin Demonstratively Humiliated the UN and the West by Upcoming Elections in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

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Putin Demonstratively Humiliated the UN and the West by Upcoming Elections in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine

On September 10, 2023, elections of various levels will be held in the Russian Federation, including by-elections of State Duma deputies, elections of heads of 26 regions (21 – direct and 5 – through parliamentary voting); deputies of legislative bodies of state authority in 16 subjects of Russia, as well as elections of 79 municipal unions of the Russian occupation administrations of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts of Ukraine, occupied by the Russian army. The holding elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine (TOT) is a gross violation of international law, as well as an attempt to legitimize the occupation of Ukrainian territory in the eyes of the world community

The full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine with the aim of occupying it resulted in a complete fiasco for Putin – the “three-day” victorious war turned into a year and a half of massacre, in which the Russian army suffered the largest casualties since 1945 and lost a huge amount of military equipment. The so-called SMO, which is a war of aggression, unveiled the myth of the “second army of the world” fighting on the patterns of the First World War and caused serious image losses to Putin: the whole world became convinced that Russia is a colossus on clay feet, asymmetrically weak, although and a big country. Accordingly, the Kremlin has revised its policy on the occupied territories of Ukraine and seeks to fully integrate them into the Russian Federation, removing all attributes of Ukrainianness. This is a deliberate, purposeful occupation of the internationally recognized territories of Ukraine: the elections to the TOT on September 10 will be an echo of last year’s referendums and will strengthen the Kremlin’s occupation permissiveness in the internationally recognized territories of Ukraine. Needless to say about the terror and coercion during the upcoming election: acts of expression of will of Ukrainians who are under Russian occupation will take place at the machine guns’points of the Russian occupiers, like it was on September 23-27, 2022, during illegal referendums, when Putin declared 18 % of the territory of Ukraine (parts of the Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions) new regions of the Russian Federation. During these events, members of the election commissions were forced to go around the houses and apartments of Ukrainians with ballot boxes, accompanied by armed soldiers, because the local residents rejected to vote for joining the Russian Federation. This year, we can expect a repetition of such a scenario, and after the elections, the repression against the residents of the TOT of Ukraine will intensify. Forced mobilization into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, deportation to economically backward, remote regions of the Russian Federation, adoption of Ukrainian children by Russian families, settlement of Russians in the empty houses of deported local residents – this is not a complete list of the alleged crimes of the occupying power, which it will begin to carry out against Ukrainians.

An important goal of the Kremlin in the elections is to legitimize this process in the eyes of the world community. For this reason, the Russian Federation will involve international observers, as it was during last year’s referendums in the TOT of Ukraine. Some of these observers in their comments repeated the narratives of Russian propaganda, justifying the referendums. In particular, these are Serbian citizen Dragoslav Bokan, British citizen Vanessa Beeley, Italian citizens Eliseo Bertolasi, Gianfranco Vestuto and Gianantonio Micalessin, German citizens Thomas Röper and Christoph Hörstel, French citizens Chanclue Andre MichelClaude, Emmanuel Leroy, etc. Putin wants to create the appearance that the West agree with Russia’s occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine and the Kremlin’s further freedom of action in these territories. The presence of European observers at the elections in the TOT of Ukraine will mark a shameful act of anti-solidarity not only with Ukraine, but also with those EU countries that support Kyiv and will become a kind of “census” of odious pro-Russian public figures in Europe.

The elections in the TOT is dangerous for the West, i.e., Putin is setting a precedent for changing the frontiers that are considered inviolable in Europe – according to the Helsinki Accords of 1975. The Kremlin does not ignore the norms and principles of international law: it seeks to implement the practice of forcibly changing borders. This will lead to a series of wars and conflicts that can destabilize Europe with the flow of refugees and socio-economic crisis. Putin’s attempt to question the borders existing in the post-Soviet space may cause, in turn, a change of borders in Europe. Ignoring this threat will only bring it closer to the civilized West and make it more vulnerable to Russia.

Elections in the TOT violate the UN Charter, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. They confirm the impossibility of holding peace talks with the Russian Federation until the complete withdrawal of its troops from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. The Russian Federation should receive severe sanctions and find itself in international isolation – this will be a logical response to Putin’s efforts to occupy the sovereign territory of Ukraine.

The NATO Summit in Vilnius Demonstrates the Growing Western Support of Ukraine

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The NATO Summit in Vilnius Demonstrates the Growing Western Support of Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the most important component of guaranteeing Ukraine’s security was weapons. Accordingly, NATO member states will supply the Armed Forces with everything necessary for victory over Russia to come. Financial assistance to Ukraine from the member countries of the Alliance is also increasing. Thus, on July 11, it became known that Norway increased the package of military aid for Ukraine up to $930 million. 2023 Vilnius summit confirmed that NATO understands the importance of supporting Ukraine, which is a guarantee of European security. The war in Ukraine confirmed Kyiv’s right to be part of NATO: after the victory over Russia, Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance

Ukraine’s NATO membership became the most significant issue atthe Alliance Summit in Vilnius. In the conditions of a full-scale war unleashed by Putin, it became obvious that NATO must respond to the challenges and threats from Russia. Accordingly, assistance to Ukraine and the timely supply of necessary weapons became a priority for NATO countries. Moscow received a strong signal that the West will continue to support Ukraine, and Putin will in no way be able to influence Ukraine’s entry into the Alliance. Russia’s isolation in the international arena will increase: the terrorist state, trying to change the existing world order, will face new sanctions. The dialogue with it will become toxic.

Ukraine is effectively developing bilateral cooperation with NATO member countries. In particular, an agreement was reached with Sweden on cooperation in the field of defense procurement, France will supply SCALP long-range missiles for Su-24M of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The “thousand cuts” strategy has itspractical results: Russia is exhausted and bloodied – this is a merit of the Armed Forces, which skillfully use modern Western weapons.

The result of the Vilnius Summit is NATO membership of Ukraine after the end of the war. The cancellation of the MAP for Ukraine was a step that will significantly speed up Ukraine’s path to the Alliance and eliminate a number of bureaucratic aspects. The West demonstrated strong support for Ukraine, which after the war will become one of the most influential countries in Europe and an effective shield against Russian aggression.

NATO Summit in Vilnius Is a Historic Opportunity to Strengthen the Alliance

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NATO Summit in Vilnius Is a Historic Opportunity to Strengthen the Alliance

The war of conquest launched by Russia against Ukraine has eliminated any illusions about the Kremlin’s pseudo-peaceful sentiments. Putin has been preparing for years for the occupation of Ukraine and the subsequent continuation of aggression against Europe.

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Accelerated NATO Membership for Ukraine Is an Urgent Decision

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Accelerated NATO Membership for Ukraine Is an Urgent Decision

The invitation of Ukraine to the Alliance will be on the agenda of NATO Summit in Vilnius (July 11-12, 2023). To date, there are no predictions yet. According to experts, the accelerated membership, desired by Kyiv and the countries of Eastern Europe, following the example of Sweden and Finland, is not considered yet, but still exists on the agenda. Many members of the Alliance, fearing risks and threats to their security, support the accelerated invitation.

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