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Foreign policy strategy of BiH adopted unanimously


The Presidency of BiH adopted the Strategy of the Foreign Policy of BiH for the period 2018-2023. This strategy provides guidelines for foreign policy on the basis of changes on a global, regional and local level. The strategy should determine a broad framework and guidelines for the work of relevant institutions of BiH in the domain of foreign policy. The pillars of the foreign policy of BiH are security and stability, economic prosperity, the protection of interests of citizens of BiH abroad and international legal cooperation and promotion of BiH in the world. These are based on the global, regional and local changes, the analysis of the current position of BiH in Europe and the world, as well as on political consensus on the future of BiH in international relations. Full membership in the European Union is one of the main strategic goals of the country. BiH, as a signatory of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union and as a country that submitted a request for membership in the EU and responded to the European Commission’s Questionnaire, is striving to obtain candidate status as soon as possible. The continuation of activities in relation to NATO still represents the priority of BH institutions. Priority activities will be directed towards the activation and implementation of the MAP that will enable all subjects of defense in BiH to continue with activities in relation to NATO.

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