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Minister Popovski: the Government’s commitment is enduring, through transparency and accountability, to serve the citizens

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The Minister without Portfolio, responsible for communication, accountability and transparency, Robert Popovski, participated in the debate “Challanges of the Government and Institutions in Increasing Transparency in the Media and Citizens” organized by the Association of Journalists of the Republic of Macedonia and Onlimit Media.

Welcoming the efforts of Minister Popovski to take part in all the public debates to which he was invited, the present journalists assessed that the Government that represents the Minister drastically changed the attitude towards the media following the principle of openness for discussion and debate, but pointed out that many more work to enable all institutions to be fully transparent.

Minister Popovski, other side, thanked the possibility for Government of the Republic of Macedonia through the debate to present and analyze its policies and, through transparency and accountability, to outline the measures taken in the service of all citizens and the media. Finally, Popovski pointed out that as minister in contacts with the ministers he constantly points to the need for transparency that brings responsible and accountable governance.

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