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Experts should evaluate the amendments of the Penal Code of Bosnia Herzegovina

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On June 1st last year, the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina found that certain provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) were unconstitutional, and ordered that it be harmonized with the Constitution of BiH and the standards of the European Court of Human Rights within six months. As of today, amendments to the CPC have yet to be adopted. The party Naša Stranka (Our Party), claimed that Parliament’s House of Representatives started dealing with this issue only after the expiration of the deadline. Moreover, the proposals for amendments to the CPC of BiH were sent from several parties, however, none of the proposed amendments was made by a group of experts in the field of criminal law. Naša Stranka believes that in this way the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been put in jeopardy, because of the interest of certain parties to not adopt amendments so as to protect themselves from criminal prosecution for corruption. For this reason, Naša Stranka has requested that the Ministry of Justice of BiH reassemble the Criminal Legislation Monitoring Team.

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