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The US appreciates the government’s strong commitment: Striving to support you

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On the third day of his visit to Washington, Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj was received by the Assistant Secretary of State in the State Department and Responsible for Narcotics and Law Enforcement Matters James A. Walsh. Albanian Minister thanked for the support that US has given to judicial reform through the US Embassy in Tirana and the OPDAT assistance program, adding that is very necessary that US support and assistance continue to be present, especially during this delicate phase of the reform process.
Xhafaj also talked about the challenge to fight against radicalism, violent extremism and terrorim. Further on, he focused on the first results of the “Force of Law” operation and the need for more qualified assistance to the Special Task Force set up for this purpose. In this context, he requested that the following US assistance be expanded and at the same time be further oriented towards the realization of the above mentioned priorities. Walsh appreciated the progress made in the reform process in Albania, the strong commitment of the current government, stressing that “US engagement has not changed and will continue to be intensive even in the future”. He supported Xhafaj’s vision of reforming criminal justice, adding that the prison system should be included in this process.


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