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Haradinaj reaction to Apostolova’s statement


Prime Minister Haradinaj made objections following the statement of the Head of EU Office in Kosovo, Natalia Apostolova, according to which Pristina authorities should ratify the Agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro and shelve the initiative on abrogating the Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecution Office. Haradinaj considers it is up to the Parliament vote the draft law concerning the ratification of border demarcation deal. “I am surprised why the Parliament has not voted [the demarcation] we have proceeded the Draft Law to Parliament. They should vote and not delay this issue indefinitely”, declared the PM. In relation to the plan of revoking the Law on Specialist Chambers Haradinaj stated: “The initiative [to abrogate the law on] Specialist Chambers came from the Parliament. We will hold accountable only to Parliament because MPs have elected us, we will not be held accountable to ambassadors”. Such initiative, it is worth remembering, has been strongly criticized by foreign ambassador warned Kosovo of serious consequences. The initiative of MPS abrogation of the Law has been received by the Government who has one month time to submit its opinions about it.

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