Possible Chinese Efforts to Strengthen Russia’s Military Power

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China remains a key partner for Russia in terms of the supply of components for military equipment, despite its public statements of neutrality and calls for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine. Chinese companies supply important components for Russian drones that are actively used in fighting. These actions have caused serious concern of the international community, calling into question Beijing’s long-term geopolitical goals.

The Chinese supplies include such important components as engines and microelectronics needed to produce drones that Russia uses for reconnaissance, attack, and coordination of operations on the front lines. These drones play an important role in Russian military strategies, helping to maintain the combat readiness of Russian troops in a protracted conflict. Third countries help to deliver components, despite export restrictions introduced in 2023. It allows circumventing sanctions and maintain the supply process.

The Russian SITEM is a good example of how China continues to support the Russian military machine. Despite US sanctions, this company receives key components from China for the production of drones. Thanks to complex logistical schemes, the Russian side uses loopholes in the sanctions system, maintaining access to Chinese electronics and other critical components.

The Chinese GUANGZHOU DUPRE EXPORT & TRADING CO LTD and HMK TRADING COMPANY LTD has an important role in these chains. Although they themselves are not under sanctions, their activities are aimed at supporting Russian enterprises that are under international restrictions. These companies continue to supply components for drones and other military equipment, which allows the Russian army to continue its operations against Ukraine.

Such cooperation cannot but call questions about Beijing’s motives. Maybe China has its own strategic goals that go beyond the conflict in Ukraine. For Beijing, the ongoing war could be a way to weaken the West by refocusing the attention and resources of Europe and the United States from other regions where China wants to increase its influence, particularly in the South China Sea and around Taiwan.

In addition, Russia’s support strengthens economic ties between the two countries. Beijing continues to maintain access to essentialRussian resources such as oil and gas, which helps the Chinese economy be strong in rising international tensions. Sanctions against Russia have made China an increasingly important economic partner for Moscow, which benefits from a situation in which Western countries are limiting their ties with Russia.

Meanwhile, the West express its concern about China’s actionsmore often. The United States and Europe are considering the possibility to increase sanctions pressure on Chinese companies that facilitate sanctions evasion and help Russia continue its military operations. This could lead to a deterioration in China’s relations with Western countries, which would negatively affect the Chinese economy, especially given China’s dependence on trade with Europe and the United States.

This is a key moment for China. On the one hand, Beijing can continue to benefit from its cooperation with Moscow by strengthening ties and supporting the Russian economy. However, it risks increasing international pressure, including new Western sanctions. If China continues to support Russia, this could significantly complicate its relations with Europe and the United States, which are among Beijing’s largest trading partners.

China must decide which path to choose: short-term economic benefits from cooperation with Russia, or long-term stability and strategic relations with the West. This choice will have serious consequences not only for the Chinese economy, but also for its world position, where Beijing seeks leadership and responsibility in global processes.

Beijing thus finds itself at a crossroads. Continuing to support Russia circumventing sanctions may strengthen China’s short-term position, but jeopardize its long-term interests.