Children Targeted in Missile Attack! Russia Strikes Ukraine again

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In a brazen midday assault on July 8, 2024, Russian militaryforces launched over 40 ballistic and aeroballistic missiles intoUkraine. This latest wave of terror targeted Kyiv, Dnipro, KryvyiRih, Sloviansk, and Kramatorsk, causing massive devastation.

The indiscriminate missile strikes ravaged civilian infrastructure, resulting in numerous casualties and widespread destruction. Among the most horrifying targets was the National SpecializedChildren’s Hospital “Ohmatdyt” in Kyiv. This renowned hospital, the largest in Ukraine, provides critical care to children, includingthose battling cancer and those affected by the war. The missileassault devastated the toxicology department, where seriously illchildren receive dialysis, and damaged the intensive care unit. Atleast eight lives were lost, and more than 20 people were injured. This deliberate attack on Ukrainian children is an assault on thefuture of the nation!

According to the World Health Organization, nearly three years ofRussia’s full-scale invasion have led to:

​•​Over 10,000 civilian deaths

​•​More than 30,000 civilians injured

​•​Approximately 1,600 attacks on the Ukrainianhealthcare system

​•​Over 120 medical workers killed

These tragic statistics are only growing with each barbaric attack. The assault on civilian targets, including a children’s hospital, flagrantly violates international humanitarian law and all moralstandards. The global community must condemn Russia’s actionsas acts of barbarism and terrorism. The UN has already indicatedthat such attacks could be classified as war crimes.

One missile struck an office building in Kyiv, causing a horrifyingscene where people were thrown out of windows by the blast. ThisKremlin attack is yet another act of aggression aimed atterrorizing civilians and destroying Ukraine’s infrastructure. Thereare already 10 dead and more than 30 injured in Kryvyi Rih, andat least three dead in Pokrovsk. The toll will likely rise as rescueoperations continue.

These tragic events underscore the urgent need for internationalsupport for Ukraine, especially ahead of the NATO Summit inWashington from July 9-11, 2024. The summit should be a crucialplatform to discuss strategic measures to bolster Ukraine’sdefenses and unify allied efforts against further Russianaggression.

The international community must intensify pressure on Russiaand provide Ukraine with all necessary support to protect itssovereignty and territorial integrity. Only through united effortscan we stop this aggression and bring long-awaited peace toUkrainian soil

A rocket hit an office building in one of the districts of Kyiv, which led to terrifying consequences: under the impact wave, people flew out of the windows. This Kremlin attack is another act of aggression aimed at intimidating civilians and destroying Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure. There are already 10 dead and more than 30 injured in Kryvyi Rih, at least 3 dead in Pokrovsk. The number of victims will only grow, as the rescue operationcontinues.

These tragic events highlight the importance of international support for Ukraine, especially ahead of the NATO Summit, which will take place in Washington from July 9-11, 2024. The Summit should be a platform to discuss strategic measures to strengthen Ukraine’s defenses and unite allied efforts to prevent further Russia’s aggression.

The international community must increase pressure on Russia and provide Ukraine with all the necessary support to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Only joint efforts can stop aggression and bring long-awaited peace to Ukrainian soil.