Geopolitical News from the modern world

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Novembre 2017 - page 5

 Serbia says Guinea-Bissau revoked recognition of Kosovo


Guinea-Bissau has withdrawn its decision from 2011 to recognize Kosovo’s independence, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has claimed. “The prime minister of Guinea-Bissau informed me of this today”, Dacic told
Belgrade media on Tuesday.He added that the African country also sent a note to Pristina informing them of the revocation. Dacic explained that Guinea-Bissau in this way officially annulled a letter, and recognition contained in that letter, sent in 2011, which Pristina was manipulating with. Prime Minister Umaro Sissoco Embalo, who has been in office since November 2016, spoke in Belgrade last week to say that his country never recognized Kosovo – that is, that he “did not see any paper on the recognition of Kosovo”. The first state to withdraw its recognition of Kosovo was Suriname, which made the decision on October 27, 2017. Recently, the media in Kosovo also reported that Pristina updated the list of countries that have recognized it to remove Nigeria and Uganda from it, because these countries’ notes of recognition were “never received”.

Serbian Foreign Minister Dacic clarifies why he won’t receive Ukraine’s ambassador


Serbian Foreign Minister confirmed he wants to maintain the good relations with Ukraine, after Ukraine’s ambassador to Belgrade Aleksandrovych’s statement about Russia using Serbia to provoke a new war in the Balkans. FM Dacic explained why Aleksandrovych had to wait for 14 months for an audience with him, given that the same treatment, according to Dacic, was used against the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Ukrain, Bulatovic. He also clarified why Serbia voted “against Ukraine” (against the UN resolution for human rights in Crimea): Ukraine supports the Western countries’ proposals to change the mandate of the UNMIK in Kosovo, a solution which is opposed by Serbia. Moreover, Ukraine acted against Serbia’s interests staying “out of the room” during the voting on membership of Kosovo in UNESCO in 2015.

Saudi Arabia:Salman backs Arab League’s condemnation of Iranian interference


The Cabinet, chaired by King Salman, on Tuesday reaffirmed the statement issued by the emergency meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo and their condemnation of all terror acts committed by Iran and its continued interference in the internal affairs of the Arab countries. The Cabinet meeting, which was held at Al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, also stressed that Iran should refrain from supporting groups that fuel sectarian conflicts, notably in the Arab Gulf states, and to stop funding militias and armed parties in the Arab countries. The Cabinet also stressed the Kingdom’s continued stance at the UN on the Palestinian issue. The Cabinet said the Kingdom will vote in support of a decision to allow the Palestinian people to keep their permanent sovereignty in the occupied Palestinian lands, including Eastern Al-Quds; to support the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan to exploit their natural resources; and to support the Palestinian people to regain their usurped lands and reject Israeli policies, which do not respect international laws and norms.

EU may refuse to cede Ukraine EUR 600 mln in financial assistance due to the failure of verification of e-declarations


The European Union may refuse to grant Ukraine EUR 600 million in financial assistance due to the ineffectiveness of verification of electronic declarations, the head of the anti-corruption committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Yehor Sobolev, has said. Now the European Union may refuse Ukraine in assistance worth EUR 600 million, including due to the complete failure to check electronic declarations. I do not put the blame only on you (the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, NACP). The responsibility lies with the entire leadership of the state, including us,” Sobolev said when members of the anti-corruption committee spoke with the heads of the NACP, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) and the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) in Kyiv on Wednesday.

Sana’a International Airport receives humanitarian flights again


The humanitarian flights to Sana’a International Airport were resumed  after they stopped on November 06 due to the closure of all Yemeni ports by the Saudi-led aggression alliance. Director General of Sana’a International Airport Khalid Al-Shayef told Saba that the airport received Wednesday two planes; the first one is belonging to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) carrying humanitarian aid and a number of ICRC staff, and a Russian plane carrying the new diplomatic crew of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Sana’a. Al-Shayef pointed out that the two planes landed with ease and were contacted since they entered the airspace until they arrived at Sana’a airport. He confirmed the readiness of Sana’a International Airport to receive all flights in accordance with international laws and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

 Iran ready for any US Congress scenario


TEHRAN – On Tuesday, Kamalvandi, the Spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), who also serves as the Deputy Head of the AEOI for International, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, declared at the Iran-EU’s Second High Level Seminar on International Nuclear Cooperation: Progress and Prospect that “US congress moves are meticulously monitored by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and the AEOI devises the necessary predictions according to its responsibilities”. Kamalvandi stressed the need for the international community to protect the JCPOA, saying that Iran will keep honoring the deal as long as the other parties comply with the obligations in the text and spirit of the nuclear accord. Mr. Kamalvandi highlighted that since the first seminar was held in early 2017 in Brussels, “great results” have been achieved and “good cooperation” has been brokered in four or five areas among nuclear safety, IAEA safeguards, security issues, stable isotopes, nuclear medicine. He also held that the new policies would push US into isolation and articulated that “while the International Atomic Energy Organization has verified and attested Iran’s abidance by the nuclear deal 9 times so far, Iran’s perseverance in complying with the deal is hinged upon other sides’ compliance”, as Mr. Kamalvandi said. “The meeting of today which featured participants from EU, China, and Russia had a good implication that cooperation within the framework of JCPOA is on and the other signatory of the deal should act more wisely”, as Mr. Kamalvandi specified.

Albanian-Macedonian Ties, Existential


The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta is paying an official visit to Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, at the invitation of his counterpart, Gjorge Ivanov. The two Presidents held a meeting, followed by a meeting between the delegations. Meta praised close historical and cultural ties, and underlined that they are existential and defining. President Ilir Meta was received in a separate meeting by the Prime Minister of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev. Mea congratulated the PM on the positive resùlts of both electoral processes in Macedonia and hailed the concrete engagements of the new government to improve the climate and inter-ethnic relations, but also to create a positive relation with neighboring countries. Meta and Zaev shared the same view on the indispensability to increase economic and trade cooperation, and to enhance energy and infrastrùctùral ties, where the implementation of joint projects in the frame of Corridor 8 is very important. In this frame, President Meta underscored that extraordinary resùlts can be achieved with non-extraordinary investments. The interlocutors expressed confidence that in the upcoming meeting between the two governments, in Pogradec, all these issues regarding comprehensive promotion and development between the two countries will be addressed.

PM Zaev: Macedonia and Serbia united on side of peace


The Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia will develop successful bilateral relations through which they can contribute to strengthening regional cooperation, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in the interview with Belgrade-based daily Politika during his first official visit to Serbia.Zaev told daily Politika that the political and security situation in Macedonia is stable. The political and security situation in Macedonia is stable, we have led the reform processes carefully, bearing in mind the civil and state interests and the current political leadership in the region that showed responsibility for a stable region, I am convinced that we are on the right track to our common strategic goals, Zaev said. He said that European values are needed for citizens in our countries, our perspectives are open and how fast we will reach the desired goal, it depends on us. Both Macedonia and Serbia need peace and stability in their countries as well as in the region and in the world, because only regional and world peace means a truly safe “home”. Political decisions are in fact ways to guarantee peace, but as long as we are together and on the side of peace – we have no problems, Zaev said.He is convinced that the commitment of the leadership of Serbia, the same as in Macedonia, is to resolve all issues peacefully, through dialogue, wisely and with a sense of responsibility.We owe it to the citizens anywhere they live in Macedonia, Serbia, Balkans or worldwide, Zaev said. Zaev agrees that the Macedonian and Serbian people are united with historical and cultural past, on the basis of which the future can be built.

Dodik links Kosovo’s independence with the the Serb Republic’s independence, Kosovo separated


Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik said in an interview with DW that a referendum on the independence of the (Serb) entity is currently not an institutional topic.He claims, however, that BiH (Bosnia-Herzegovina) will not survive in any form, B92 informs. The RS president directly links Kosovo’s independence with the independence of the Republika Srpska (the Serb Republic): “I am not against Kosovo’s independence. I in favor of a conversation between Belgrade and that (Kosovo – DW), and if Belgrade so decides I have nothing against it, but them my next question is why the Republika Srpska cannot do it. If there are rights for one side, then there must be rights for others as well”. Dodik says that the Republika Srpska is burdened by the fact that Serbia has remained in the policy of preserving (its) territorial integrity. “If at that moment Serbia, when Kosovo separated, said it was ok, we would surely have already separated by now”, he says.At the end of the conversation, he drew a map of the Balkans the way he sees it – the RS and Serbia united, and Kosovo partitioned, with the north belonging to Serbia.

Iraq; 20 people killed, 70 injured in bomb blast in Salahuddin province


On Tuesday, a medical source said to Al-Ghad Press that a booby-trapped vehicle exploded near an overcrowded market at the Military District in Tuz Khurmatu region in Salahuddin province. Because of the explosion twenty people were killed and 70 others were wounded, but according to the medical source the number of casualties is expected to rise. The source also said that the targets of the attack were checkpoints for PMFs in al-Bu Eissa village, on borders between Salahuddin and located adjacent to Mutaibija. During this year, Salahuddin province was repeatedly rocked by several suicide bombings: only last week Al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces), assisted by Federal Police, succeeded in preventing an attack by IS members right near Salahuddin province. Tuz Khurmatu was also one of the areas disputed by Iraq and Kurdistan Region: in October Iraqi forces liberated the area as part of a government push to impose control over disputed territories, responding to Kurdistan’s independence referendum held in September. Recently with the liberation of Anbar’s town of Rawa, the last Islamic State’s stronghold, Iraq announced the end of the Islamic State’s territorial presence in Iraq.


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