Geopolitical News from the modern world

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Novembre 2017 - page 14

IHCHR: Islamic State holding 10.000 individuals in Anbar


The Iraq’s Human Rights Organism announced that the Islamic State militants are holding 10.000 civilians at Anbar’s western town of Rawa in Iraq. The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights underlined its “concern for the fate of innocents besieged inside Rawa” and according to the detecting sources at the commission’s offices in Anbar, “Daesh (Islamic State terrorists) are still holding nearly 2500 families, about 10.000 individuals, to use them as human shields and hamper the advance of Iraqi forces”, as he said. IS members have prevented civilians from reaching Iraqi security forces’ safe routes for their evacuation. The Commission also urged to accelerate operations to liberate the town and provide humanitarian aids and needs from local and world organizations. Since 2014 the extremist group have occupied one third of Iraq, including Qaim and Rawa towns, to proclaim a self-styled Islamic “Caliphate”. Late October, operations were launched to liberate these two towns. Iraqi forces have managed, so far, to retake Mosul, Tal Afar’s town, Kirkuk’s town of Hawija and Anbar’s Annah and Qaim. Only Rawa is still in the militants’ grip.

Iran criticized Saudi Airstrike on Hajjah, Yemen


Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Bahram Qassemi, has strongly criticized the Saudi Arabia’s recent air raids on residential areas in the Yemeni city of Hajjah. Reports suggest that at least 16 airstrikes targeted the village of Hiran in Hajjah on Tuesday night, killing at least 30 people, including women and children and 10 paramedics, leaving dozens of people wounded. He noted that the surge in Saudi airstrikes on residential areas against Yemenis and the continuation of its blockade of the Arab country indicate the “Saudi Arabia’s frustration and failure to achieve its purposes in invading Yemen”, as he said. Qassemi also slammed the international community’s silence over the crimes and disasters caused by nonstop Saudi air attacks on Yemen and the block of humanitarian aids to the war-hit country, denouncing it as a “clear violation of human rights”. He urged the United Nations and the other countries involved in the Yemen crisis to step up their efforts to immediately stop the military attacks and take effective measures to protect civilians, particularly women and children. Since March 2015 more than 10,000 people have been killed, million forced to leave their homes, and the country faced severe famine and a cholera outbreak. Since then, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies have been launching airstrikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement to restore the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi’s power.

China will continue “to go global”, Hong Kong plays active role


A Chinese official said here Wednesday that China will continue to go global in this new era with new opportunities brought to the world, especially to Hong Kong. Xie Feng, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (CPC) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), made the remarks at a briefing to foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong and representatives of multinational corporations on the outcome as well as significance of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). “We are promoting China’s socialist modernization drive and are working to ensure the faithful implementation of ‘one country, two systems’ in Hong Kong. This will bring opportunities to not only Hong Kong but also countries and business communities around the globe,” Xie said. Andrew Seaton, Executive Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, said that the international business community welcomes the initiatives for the latest development of Chinese economy, some of which have already caught a high level of interest among foreign businesses.

Ukraine’s army intensified training drills by 30 percent in 2017


Ukraine’s armed forces have carried out around 5,000 training drills in 2017, some 30 percent more than last year’s figure, according to the chief of the army’s Operational Training Department, Colonel Ihor Podolyan.  “Every combat unit trained for missions in the (Donbas war zone) undergoes two brigade-level exercises at two different firing ranges” states the colonel. Constant drills are being conducted also by the air force. The General Staff is continuing to work on adapting Ukraine’s army training to NATO standards, Podolyan said. Ukraine will soon approve a military terminology manual for training and deployment of forces, which will help Ukraine’s forces become interoperable with NATO forces, he said. Apart from that, Ukraine’s best combat units are continuing to receive NATO-style training. In particular, eight infantry battalions and one company have finished Joint Multinational Training Group advanced courses conducted by the U.S. Army.


Usa ends protected immigration status for Nicaraguans, but renew the Visa for Hondurans


The Trump administration has given 2,500 Nicaraguans with provisional residency 14 months to leave the United States, announcing Monday that it will not renew the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation that has allowed them to remain in the country for nearly two decades. But Trump officials deferred a decision for the much larger group of 57,000 Hondurans who have been living in the United States with the same designation, saying the Department of Homeland Security needed more time to consider their fate. The decision was likely to displease immigration hard-liners who have urged the administration to end the TPS program on the grounds that it was never intended to bestow long-term residency to those who may have entered the country illegally. The two groups were shielded from deportation after Hurricane Mitch hit Central America in 1998, and their TPS protections have been routinely renewed ever since.


Yemeni President Hadi ‘under house arrest’ in Riyadh


Saudi Arabia has barred Yemen’s president, along with his sons, ministers and military officials, from returning home for months. The officials said the ban was prompted by enmity between President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and the United Arab Emirates, which is part of the Saudi-led coalition against Houthi rebels and has come to dominate southern Yemen, the portion of the country not under rebel control. Hadi and much of his government have been in the Saudi capital Riyadh for most of the war. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the two main pillars of the coalition, which is ostensibly defending Hadi’s government and is battling the Shia rebels, known as Houthis. The coalition has waged an air campaign against the rebels since 2015, and the UAE has a strong military presence in southern Yemen – but the Houthis still control the north. Yemenis denounce Saudi siege as ‘collective punishment’ Saudi Arabia intensified its blockade on Yemen on Sunday, closing land crossings and all traffic to Yemen’s air and sea ports. A UN agency warned ships to depart Houthi-controlled ports, and flights to the only functioning airports in southern Yemen were cancelled. As night fell, prices of fuel hiked in Sanaa, with some petrol stations closed, and drivers queued to fill their tanks, fearing worsening fuel shortage. The coalition move came after the Houthis fired a missile towards Riyadh, their deepest strike into the Kingdom. Hadi’s inability to get back to southern Yemen underscores the president’s loss of authority – even in the south that is nominally under his administration.  Two other Yemeni officials confirmed that Hadi, his sons and several ministers with him in Riyadh have been prevented from going to Yemen. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the situation. Coalition Spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malaki referred any questions related to Hadi to his own office and government. Attempts to reach Yemen’s foreign minister and government spokesman were unsuccessful.

Commander: Foreign countries support terrorist acts in border areas


On Tuesday, Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, Commander of IRGC Ground Force, had a meeting with Qamar Javid Bejwa, Pakistan Chief of Army Staff General. During the discussion, General Pakpour evoked profound historical and cultural ties between Iran and Pakistan, underlining that the current Middle East’s instability and increase of terrorism are linked to the US and the Zionist regime’s actions. He also said that terrorists and bandits’ movements in border areas of Iran and Pakistan are monitored by Intelligence services of trans-regional countries and he stressed that the intensification of cooperation, sharing experiences and training among armed forces of Iran and Pakistan could guarantee security of mutual borders and the failure of terrorists and trans-regional enemies. Given repeated failures of Daesh in Iraq and Syria, they are trying to find new substitute areas to be deployed, so everybody should be aware and aware that the Takfiri terrorists cannot find new ones. To overcome the problems created by terrorist groups in the border areas, Islamabad has increased forces on the region to reduce terrorist movements and establish its control on the area. During the three-day stay in Iran, General Bejwa and his delegation have many consultations with political and military officials about some of the most important goals: bilateral problems, mutual cooperation in the fields of defense, security and politics, sharing experiences and promotion of military, security and defensive relations.

Iran deal proves diplomacy can replace war: Official


In a speech on 72nd anniversary of the UN foundation in Tehran, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs, Abbas Araghchi, said that the United Nations has been turned into one of the cornerstone of international cooperation in recent decades, a silent platform for member states and other entities committed to spread peace and security. The deal JCPOA is a clear example of how diplomacy can replace the prospect of conflict and war. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is an international agreement on the nuclear program signed by Iran and by the world major powers in which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief. The recent drastic changes in the internal politics of the United States has put JCPOA under pressures, giving rise to voices seeking crisis and conflicts. The radical approach of the US on the global issues and the negation of collective diplomacy could be considered a serious threat for the whole world, for this reason the Iranian official underlined how the UN had to throw its power on JCPOA because its implementation should raise hope for a peaceful and understanding world. “The UN gives us the sense that we are not just states seeking our selfish goals, with no considerations of other opinions and needs and sufferings; It gives us the hope that we can and should try to make a better world through peaceful means, understanding and dialogue” Araqchi said. During the ceremony, the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister also expressed his special thanks to the UN Resident Coordinator in Iran, Gary Lewis, for his devotion and hard work in Iran, primarily on the development projects and humanitarian assistance.

China willing to promote cooperation with Germany: Premier Li


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said Tuesday that Beijing is willing to join Berlin in promoting bilateral cooperation to a higher level. Li made the remarks in a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The two heads of government spoke highly of the new progress the two sides have achieved over the past year in bilateral ties and cooperation. He also noted that the annual meeting between the Chinese premier and the German chancellor has also been fruitful, adding that the two countries have maintained fine communication and coordination over regional and international affairs. Li said China would like to maintain high-level exchanges with the German side, and ensure the new round of China-Germany Inter-Governmental Consultation a success so as to promote bilateral cooperation to a deeper, broader and higher level. Beijing welcomes businesses of all nations, including those from Germany, to expand their investment in China, and conduct technology and knowledge cooperation, Li said. For her part, Merkel said both Germany and China are committed to promoting bilateral ties, adding that her country is willing to keep up with the high-level exchanges with the Chinese side, strengthen their communication and coordination, get the preparations for the new round of the inter-governmental consultation started as soon as possible, and deepen trade cooperation for mutual benefits.

China, Finland agree to further advance bilateral ties


China and Finland on Monday agreed to further lift bilateral ties through pragmatic cooperation and enhancing exchanges between legislative bodies. The pledge came as Finnish Parliament Speaker Maria Lohela met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and held talks with Chinese top legislator Zhang Dejiang in Beijing. Li told Lohela China had always adhered to a policy of mutual respect and equality, which was an important principle in safeguarding world peace and multiculturalism. He said China was willing to enhance cooperation in the areas that Finland had advantages, such as innovation, clean energy, environmental protection and vocational education. Lohela said Finland was ready to work with China to take a long-term perspective to develop bilateral ties. Lohela said Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Finland last April consolidated and lifted bilateral ties. “The Finnish Parliament is willing to work with the NPC (National People’s Congress), to create a sound environment for bilateral cooperation in areas of economy and trade, culture, tourism, small and medium enterprises investment from a new starting point”, she said.

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