Geopolitical News from the modern world

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Novembre 2017 - page 13

Iraqi army kills 4 suicide bombers before crossing into Iraq from Syria


BAGHDAD – On Thursday, the Commander of the army’s 7th division, Maj. Gen. Nawman al-Zawbai, announced to Alsumaria News that a force from the division killed four suicide bombers wearing explosive belts before trying to cross into Iraq from Syria. His report did not specify the region where the episode happened. Past news reports declared that IS leaders fled Anbar to Syria, where the group is also reportedly nearing a total collapse to U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces and Russia-backed Syrian government army. Supported by a U.S.-led coalition, the Iraqi army took over Islamic State’s major bastions in Iraq since October. The military command declared the recent liberation of the town of Quaim, on Anbar’s borders with Syria. Only Rawa, a Western Anbar’s town, is still in the militants’ grip. Human rights groups suppose that IS members are using thousands of civilians there as human shields. Iraq is succeeding in eliminating the “caliphate”, the Islamic State’s declared in 2014 from Iraq’s Mosul.

EU accession negotiationsl, Goverment’s priority


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati hosted on Thùrsday the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Membership Negotiations, Johannes Hahn in the framework of his official visit to Tirana. Referring to this visit the minister stated that it comes in a highly important moment for Albania on view of the fact that Albania has already launched the vetting process. He also informed the commissioner Hahn about the concrete steps undertaken by the Albanian government in order to meet all accession priorities while confirming the determination for further progress in this aspect. Commissioner Hahn commended Albania’s stable progress in the implementation of key priorities for the opening of accession negotiations. He praised in particular the judicial reform adoption, emphasizing at the same time the importance of its implementation as a key element for the consolidation of the rule of law in Albania.

Saudi Arabia’s advice: not to travel to Lebanon


Saudi Arabia has advised its citizens not to travel to Lebanon and asked those who are in the country to leave as soon as possible. The official news agency SPA quoted an official source in the foreign ministry on Thursday as saying: “Due to the situations in the Republic of Lebanon, the official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Saudi nationals visiting or residing in Lebanon are asked to leave the country as soon as possible. Lebanon has been edge after the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, who announced his departure while on a visit to Saudi Arabia on Saturday. His whereabouts have since been unknown. However, officials told on Thursday that Hariri may be under house arrest or temporarily detained in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

Syria’s Eastern Ghouta and the ‘complete catastrophe’


The 400,000 civilians besieged in the Syrian enclave of Eastern Ghouta face “complete catastrophe” because aid deliveries are blocked and hundreds of people need urgent medical evacuation, U.N. humanitarian adviser Jan Egeland said today. The area east of Damascus had been “completely sealed off” since September, leaving U.N. aid convoys and evacuations as a potential lifeline facing a “bureaucratic wall of inaction”, he wanted to underline. He added “We cannot continue like that. If we only get a fraction of what is needed it will be a complete catastrophe,” he said. “What about a ceasefire now in this area and a green light to all medical evacuations?” As well as people wounded in the fighting, there were a growing number of acutely malnourished children, which meant they were very close to dying, he said.

Saudi Arabia calls on UN Security Council for action against Iran


Saudi Arabia called on the United Nations Security Council to take appropriate measures against Iran’s active support of terrorism saying that it is seeking to compromise the security of the Kingdom and the region. In a letter presented by the Saudi mission to the United Nations on Wednesday, ahead of the closed session on the Humanitarian situation in Yemen, the Kingdom detailed the terrorist actions of the Iranian allied Houthi militias. The Houthi militias resorted only to aggression and violence since the beginning of the Yemeni crisis, the letter said. The militias refusal to the return of legitimacy, it said, or abide by the Security Council resolutions, has led to humanitarian disasters adding to that their dismissal of all political solutions to the conflict. Saudi Arabia stressed on the fact that Iran’s continuous supply of weapons to the militias in Yemen through smuggling routes, and the presence of Hezbollah fighters on the ground to assemble and operate these weapons, is clear evidence of Iran’s aggression.

EU: 50 mln euros for Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2018


Next year the European Union will allocate 50 million euros for assistance programs of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Berend De Groot said this at a meeting with representatives of the Donetsk Regional State Administration in Kramatorsk on Wednesday. “In Kramatorsk, the representatives of the Donetsk Regional State Administration held a meeting with representatives of the Delegations of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine. According to Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Berend De Groot, the EU plans to allocate 50 million euros for Donetsk and Lugansk regions next year,” the regional state administration noted. These funds will be primarily spent on decentralization programs, development of vocational and higher education and medicine, support for small businesses, and strengthening of the security of communities.

US accuses Russia of INF treaty violations


By accusing Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (signed by both sides in 1987), the United States tries to lend legitimacy to its own steps in violation of that document, Chairman of the Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) Committee for Foreign Affairs Konstantin Kosachev told reporters on Thursday. The Russian senator stressed that Washington had failed to provide evidence proving that Moscow was violating the INF Treaty. “This treaty applies only to the ground-based weapons, but as it has been reiterated many times, Russia has no need to go back to this kind of weapons since the combat capabilities of our submarines, warships and Aerospace Force allow us to totally ensure the country’s security,” he said.

According to Kosachev, the United States seeks to withdraw from the INF Treaty to continue increasing the capabilities of its Prompt Global Strike system.

Freeland: Peacekeepers in Ukraine must become a guarantee


Any peacekeeping mission in Ukraine should be in the interests of Kyiv and promote its restoration of the territorial integrity of the state.

This was stated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Canada Chrystia Freeland, who emphasized that the Canadian government is in talks with other countries on the viability and benefits of peacekeeping and police missions in Ukraine. As we know, Ukraine has familiarized with the UN Security Council with its position on the introduction of peacekeepers in the Donbas and is ready for its own draft resolution on this. But before the launch of the international contingent, Russia insists on the withdrawal of its mercenaries and weapons from the east.

Special Representative of the US State Department for Ukraine Kurt Volker stated that Russians cannot participate in a peacekeeping mission in the Donbass.

Volker believes that the UN resolution on peacekeepers in the Donbass may be approved by the end of this year.

Paradise Paper: Russian Businessman defraud a European Bank.


Alexander Glukhovskoi, a Russian businessman is reportedly at the center of a scam which funneled millions of dollars from a taxpayer-funded European development bank to offshore shell companies, according to the Paradise Papers leak.On Sunday, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published 13.4 million documents leaked from the Bermuda-based law firm Appleby. The so-called Paradise Papers, which follow the group’s earlier Panama Papers in 2015, detail the methods the rich and powerful use to hide their wealth offshore. Aftenposten, a media partner of ICIJ based in Norway, reported on Wednesday that the taxpayer-funded European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in 2008 handed millions of dollars of funds to one of Appleby’s clients — Imperial Mining. But the money was never used for the purpose. The company had two shareholders at the time, Aftenposten reports IM International and Americo Resources, which is co-owned by Alexander Glukhovskoi and his ex-wife, Julia Glukhovskaya. The Moscow Times was able to independently verify Glukhovskoi’s position through Imperial Mining’s website and a Florida public records search. According to Aftenposten, the nefarious nature of Imperial Mining should have been clear to the EBRD. Glukhovskoi had fled Moscow in 2005 after being charged with fraud and threats and was put on Interpol’s wanted list that same year. In 2011, he was reportedly arrested in Thailand, which was where he was last seen.



Sterjovski : Recognising Bulgarians minority is genocide on Macedonians in Albania


Recognising the Bulgarian minority in Albania is genocide on Macedonians in Albania where there were no Bulgarians, Vasil Sterjovski, general secretary of the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration (MAEI) party in Albania, said in the interview with Tirana-based Tema television.According to him, Bulgarians have been trying for years to artificially present Bulgarian minority in Albania, Kosovo and Greece aimed at avoiding Macedonia with artificial Bulgarian minority and to “prove” that there is no Macedonian nation.Albanian foreign minister at several meetings stated these are the minorities living in Albania and the matter is completed. Even at one of the meetings at the request of the Albanian-Bulgarian Friendship Association, he said that although hundreds of Albanians have Italian passports that does not give Italy the right to claim its minority in Albania. However, under the pressure from Bulgaria and EU’s vetoing Albania, the Albanian authorities yielded to the demands and Bulgarian became the ninth minority in the country.The Macedonian Alliance for European Integration and the Macedonian Association “Ilinden” strongly reacted to this and asked Albanian President Ilir Meta not to sign the bill and to forward it to parliament to be reviewed again.

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