Geopolitical News from the modern world

Monthly archive

Novembre 2017 - page 12

Radioactive cloud in Europe came from Russia or Kazakhstan


In a November 9 statement, IRSN( Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire) ruled out an accident in a nuclear reactor, saying it was a likely leak in a nuclear fuel-treatment site or center for radioactive medicine.In recent weeks, IRSN and several other nuclear safety institutes in Europe had measured high levels of ruthenium 106, a radioactive nuclide which does not occur naturally and is the product of splitting atoms in a nuclear reactor. There has been no impact on human health or the environment in Europe, said IRSN, the technical arm of the French nuclear regulator ASN. The IRSN statement said it could not accurately locate the release of radioactive material but, based on weather patterns, it most likely originated south of the Ural Mountains, between the Urals and the Volga River. This could indicate Russia or possibly Kazakhstan as the site of the origin of the cloud.

Russia asks Kosovo Serbs to block border agreement with Montenegro


A high-ranking official of Russia’s ruling United Russia, Sergei Zheleznyak, said that Kosovo Serb politicians should block the ratification of the Agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro, local media report referring to Russian newspaper Pravda.Sergei Zheleznyak in an article published on the United Russia website wrote that Kosovo Serb MPs should thwart the adoption of an agreement on the border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro. Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said recently the solution of the border demarcation should be sent to the International Court of Arbitration “because there are no votes that support current version of the agreement in the Assembly”. Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic and Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic insist that current version on border delineation signed between the two countries in 2015 is a done deal for Montenegro.

Bombings shot by the Houthi’s militia in Taiz, hit children and villages


According to medical sources in Taiz, southwestern Yemen, ten people including children, were wounded by bombings shot by the Houthi and Saleh’s militia, targeting the villages west of the city. The sources pointed out that among the injured were four children, some are seriously wounded, as a result of bombing residential villages in Al-Asharouh and Beni Bakari, Azlet Elyaman and Kuweyha located in the western area of Jabal Habashi, west of the city of Taiz. In the same district, the coup militias forced 65 families from the lower Al Quoz village to leave their homes by force at gunpoint. Families of forcibly displaced persons reported that Houthi militias had spread mines in the village to force the residents out. The Center for Human Rights in Taiz (non-governmental) condemned the systematic forced displacement of the Houthi and Saleh’s militias against the besieged Yemeni people. It also condemned the act of implanting thousands of mines in the roads used by unarmed citizens in these villages describing the act as an atrocious war crime.

SAP sent an indictment to Roman Nasirov, the head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


Prosecutors of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office sent an indictment against the head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov and the head of the repayment department of the DFS debt. This was reported by the press service of NABU (the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine) on November 10. The report notes that the pre-trial investigation in this production was completed on July 28, 2017. The suspects and their lawyers were acquainted with the investigation materials for more than three months. “If convicted persons are convicted in court, they face imprisonment for a term of 3 to 6 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to 3 years, with a fine of 500 to 1,000 non-taxable minimum incomes”, – report to the NABU. As is known, on November 10, the SAP approved the indictment in criminal proceedings on suspicion of the head of the State Financial Service Roman Nasirov, as well as the head of the department of the GFS, which was handed over to the suspect and their defenders. Removed from the head of the GFS Roman Nasirov was suspected  in 2015-2016 of acting in the interests of the People’s Deputy of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Onishchenko that gave to the heads of regional and territorial bodies of the GFS an illegal instruction to take unsubstantiated decisions on the installment of the tax debt of OOO Firma Khas, Karpatnadrainvest LLC, , LLC “Nadra Geocenter”.


US Air Force: Yemeni rebels’ missile in Saudi Arabia was Iranian


The top US Air Force officials in the Mideast says that the ballistic missile fired by Yemeni rebels that targeted the Saudi capital was from Iran and bore “Iranian markings”. Harrigian said authorities were investigating how the missile was smuggled into Yemen amid a Saudi-led coalition controlling the country’s airspace, ports and borders. Previously, the White House has condemned the missile attack by Yemen’s Houthi militias on Saudi Arabia on 4 November, and said Iran “enabled” the attacks which had threatened stability in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has said that the ballistic missile had a range of more than 900 km and was made in Iran, describing that attack as an “act of war”. The Yemeni rebels said they hit Riyadh’s King Khalid International Airport to the north of Riyadh with a Burkan-2H ballistic missile and released a video that purportedly showed the missile being launched at night. The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported that air defenses had intercepted the missile before it hit the airport and its remnants landed in an uninhabited area north of the capital.

Ukraine, Turkey hold talks on concluding agreement on development cooperation


The press service of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine reports that during the days of 8 and 9 of November a delegation of the Government of Ukraine headed by State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development Oleksiy Perevezentsev held negotiations with a delegation of the Government of the Republic of Turkey on concluding an agreement on development cooperation. During the talks, the parties noted that the signing of this agreement would create legal bases for the establishment of the Office of Program Coordination in Ukraine with the aim of developing a fruitful cooperation in the economic and social spheres between the governments of the countries. As a result of the negotiations, the parties agreed on the text of the draft agreement.

Army soldiers wounded in bomb blasts in western Anbar


A military source, who preferred anonymity, declared that on Friday bombs planned by IS, remnants of the battles against Islamic State, exploded injuring several soldiers in al-Rayhana, East of Annah town. The source did not provide details about the number of the wounded, who were taken to hospital for treatment. Iraqi Security troops still continue to liberate the regions in Western Anbar from the landmines planted during the war against the militant group. Iraqi army announced the total liberation of the”town of Annah and neighboring Rayhana area in September. Troops also recaptured Akashat region, between Rutba town, on borders with Jordan, and Qaim, on borders with Syria. Late October, Operations were launched to recapture Qaim and Rawa towns, which have been held by the extremist group since 2014. On Friday” Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi proclaimed the liberation of Qaim in record time while operations in Rawa are expected to be launched soon. Since the proclamation of the “Islamic Caliphate” in 2014 violence in the country has increased considerably. During October one-hundred and fourteen Iraqi civilians were killed, while 244 others were wounded as result of terrorism, violence and armed conflicts according to a monthly release by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Era of Unilateral Security, Living in Ivory Towers Over: Iran’s Zarif


During the International Conference on Security and Sustainable Development in Uzbekistan, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in his speech said that the security and the stability of a country depend on the security and the stability of the others: nowadays in an interconnected world, security is not limited to military dimensions, but is a “multifaceted, intertwined and comprehensive issue” and “the era of unilateral security and living in ivory towers and ensuring security based on military power has come to an end since a long time ago”, as he said. He also declared: “In order to achieve security, all must rely on “people” as the most important element of a country’s security to attain an endogenous security, and then achieve a sustainable and collective security through a constructive engagement with neighbors”. To maintain security, it is necessary to create fraternal and balanced relations based on the principles of mutual respect and interests: “The strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on the development and boosting of cooperation in various fields, making efforts to establish and maintain peace and stability in the region, as well as convergence and cooperation with regional institutions and international organizations”, as FM Zarif said. At the end of his speech, FM Zarif underlined that Iran has fulfilled its commitments under JCPOA and has proved its compliance with the principle of non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is not only religiously opposed to the development, production, and use of nuclear weapons, but also seriously believes that these weapons per se undermine stability and security, and must be eliminated from the world”, as he said.

Government confirms intervention of Russian hackers in Catalan crisis


Since the day of the referendum there has been the suspicion that Russian hackers had interfered with the process of Catalan independence to destabilize the Country. Today Íñigo Méndez de Vigo (government spokesperson ) and María Dolores de Cospedal (Defense Minister ) have confirmed that there has been an interference of Russian and Venezuelan hackers in the crisis in Catalonia. After this statement they’ve announced that they will deal with this great problem during the next European Union Foreign Affairs Council meeting. It’s not the first time that Russia is accused to interfere with the political and social situation of other Countries through technological means. It has been the case of USA Presidential Elections and the last elections in Germany. According to the Popular Party spokesperson in Eu Parliament this would represent a way for Russia to destabilize the EU. Nevertheless according to the Defense Minister it has to be considered first that the hackers were in Russia and not that the interference has been carried out by the Russian Government.

Chinese president arrives in Vietnam for APEC meeting, state visit


Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, arrived in this Vietnamese city on Friday for the 25th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting and a state visit to the southeast Asian country. Xi delivered a speech at the APEC CEO Summit later this afternoon, and is attending a dialogue with representatives of the APEC Business Advisory Council, as well as an informal dialogue with leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Xi said the two countries share similar political systems, development paths and an interrelated future. He said China and Vietnam have witnessed an ever increasing cooperation and deepening relationship since the two countries forged diplomatic ties 67 years ago, which have brought tangible benefits to the two peoples and contributed a lot to the peace, stability and prosperity in the region. “The consensus reached by leaders of our two parties and countries has been implemented step by step, and the China-Vietnam strategic cooperation is moving toward new breadth and depth”, Xi said.


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