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Libia @en - page 5

Tribal gathering in Benghazi affirms support for Haftar

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Recent violences in the Oil Crescent against LNA (Libyan National Army) and Haftar’s forces from BDB (BengazhiDefence Brigade) have pushed a lot of tribes, especially from the East to sustain LNA. These tribes, have also condemned the common call of UK, US and France to stop hostilities, wich is “suspicious and inaceptable”. For Egypt, is annoyed of the fact that Haftar has refuted to meet his Tripolis’ counterpart last month. The BDB, for his own, argues that LNA has forced 300,000 peoples to flee Bengazhi three years ago.

UK-funded camps in Libya 'indefinitely for detaining asylum seekers

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The United-Kingdom is in front of controverts since a report published on Friday, the UK’s Independent Commission for Aid Impact has criticized the application of the ₤10m delivered to Libya to manage migrants. The Commission, mentioned before, accused the government to have given the money without thinking to Human Rights. The report is also questioning about the philosophy of this policy. Indeed, in one hand, with this program, the UK avoid the deaths of number libyans, but in an other hand, the report ask if its not a deny of asylum right. Furthermore, this create the risk to harm refugees, forcing them to go in refugees’ camps, where as seen in a lot of report, exist daily violences.

Al-Obeid accuses Khalifa Haftar of recruiting mercenaries to fight alongside his self-styled army

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Major General Suleiman Mahmoud, the former National Transitional Council military chief, has accused renegade General KhalifaHaftar of forming an army of militias and hiring mercenaries. Speaking to BBC Arabic, Al-Obeidi said Haftar has also recruited about 500 fighters from his Al-Furjan tribe. “When Haftar was promoted to Marshal, about 7000 mercenaries from the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement were fighting with him”, he said. Reacting to the Return to Benghazi Military Operation launched by Benghazi Defense Brigades, Al-Obeidi identified members of BDB as Benghazi’s revolutionary fighters who were forcibly driven out of the city. “I am leftist, I can’t accuse them of Islamic extremism andHaftar can’t defeat them alone”, he remarked, referring to last year intervention of two Arab countries “Egypt and UAE” to help Dignity Operation repel the advance of BDB forces. This time, Al-Obeidi called the UN to impose a no-fly zone to facilitate the march of Benghazi Defense Brigades eastward. “We are still under the 7th Chapter, those fighters are under the Government of National Accord”, he noted.

Presidency Council met with Al-Qaeda leaders to plan attack on oil ports

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Accusations from the Dignity Operation against the President of the Council, following the recent attacks in the oil croissant. Ahmed Al-Mismari, spokesman of Dignity Operation accuses UN-proposed Presidency Council and High Council of State held secret meetings with leaders of Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood to mastermind the attack on the oil crescent region by Benghazi Defense Brigades. He claims that this alliance is linked against his organisation, against LNA (Liberation National Army). He also claimed that Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood are competing for the control of Tripoli and oil ports to have more influence on the ground. However, BDB commander Brig. Mustafa Al-Shirksi has made it clear that his brigades have no links to any group in or outside Libya. In fact, Benghazi Defense Brigades are backed by Defense Minister of Presidency Council Al-Mihdi Al-Baraghati and PC member Mohammed Amari, in addition to several brigades from Al-Bunyan Al-Marsoos Operation.

Libyan Parliament has broke the negotiation for a united Libya after the attacks of the oil croissant, and the opposition to the Haftar regime

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According to the French newspaper, Libyan Parliament seating in Tobrouk (East Libye) has broke the negotiation for a united Libya after the attacks of the oil croissant, and the opposition to the Haftar regime. He has also withdraw his signature from the Skhirat agreement, signed on Dicember 2015, under ONU supervision. This Parliament had never recognize the Parliament of Tripoli under Sarraj presidency. This oil crisis in perspective will aggravate the Libyan chaos.

Ahmed Al-Mismari: “We defeated those terrorists several times and we are ready to defeat them again”

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Spokesperson of Dignity Operation Ahmed Al-Mismari threatened on Monday to sweep away Libya’s oil crescent region after failing to repel the advance of Benghazi Defense Al-Mismari had confirmed his willingness to eradicate the opposition from this part of Libya, especially due to its economic importance. Furthermore, he has also threaten Tripoli. He concludes his brief speech telling that : “We defeated those terrorists several times and we are ready to defeat them again”.The conflict around the oil crescent seems to be at the beginning of a long process of tensions between both until an agreement or the full destruction of one or the other force in presence.

Muslim-Ban: new the US refugee program, has provoked new protestations against Trump administration

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After his rely controversial “Muslim-Ban” published on 27th January, US’ President Trump, had cancelled the former to replace it by a new one. This new “Muslim-Ban” the US refugee program and ban during at least 90 days, citizens from:  Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Libya. This travel ban was signed out of presence of cameras, respect to the first one. Iraq was removed from the list after criticism that the original order overlooked the country’s role in fighting terrorism and barred entry even to the Iraqi interpreters who had been embedded with US forces in the region. This new “Muslim-Ban” has provoked new protestations against Trump administration. This new tensions will not manage in a good way Amercian relations with Muslim.

Libya's civil war: Khalifa Haftar is winning. Russia senses an opportunity in Libya

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This reality has profound implications for the future of the country, partly Because of a dramatic new development – the entry of Russia into the diplomatic mix. The battle Began last week When militias based in central Libya drove 100 miles across the desert to attack Libya’s oil hub ports, Sidra and nearby RasLanuf. Those terminals link to the massive Oil Crescent, home to the bulk of Libya’s oil. Quite simply, who controls this Crescent controls Libya. For public consumption, the militias brand Themselves the Benghazi Defence Brigades, Extremists kicked out of Benghazi When most of the city was liberated by the Libya National Army (LNA) last year. In fact, they comprise various Al Qaeda elements, units from the Petroleum Facilities guard kicked out of the oil ports last year by the LNA, fighters from Misrata, and, according to Functional the LNA, mercenaries from Chad. But the attack did not go as planned. Yes, the militias got to the ports, but no, they did not get inside them. Both ports are defended by the LNA and rather than internships to full-on assault, the militias contented with Themselves Occupying deserted residential areas and workers’ accommodation outside the ports. That will test a major strategic weakness, Because the LNA is averse to bombing port infrastructure, but less worried about bombing empty accommodation blocks. An LNA counter attack is now going on, and it will crush the militias in the coming days, leaving the balance of power as it was – Which is to say, with Haftar.

Al-Sharkasy: Our forces are heading to Benghazi

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Battles around Ras-Lanuf, one of the major Libyan oil terminal purshues. The commander of BDB, Mustafa Al-Sharkasy, had published a press release where he explains that he control the area between Ben Jawad and Ras-Lanuf, which had fallen under opposite forces yesterday. He told that this occupation will not be permanent, he will give back the territory to Libyan population, and must be given to the National Oil Corporation (NOC). He also said, that he’s ready to continue the battle until he doesn’t control the Oil Crescent Region. He also argued thazt a lot of army officers had defected Haftar’s army. The battle to control Libyan oil continue.


City of Ajdabiya starts arming civilian residents, Defend Benghazi Brigades (DBB) launched a military operation

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The municipality of the eastern city of Ajdabiya called for arming the civilian residents from those who are capable of carrying weapons as the forces of Defend Benghazi Brigades had advanced deeper eastward. The mayor of the Ajdabiya municipality, Embarek Al-Minfi, is a pro-Haftar person. He was appointed by the military governor of the eastern region, Abdelraziq Al-Nathori, who sacked the elected mayor, Salem Jodran, as part of the militarization of eastern municipal councils that is adopted by the eastern officials under the rule of KhalifaHaftar’s Dignity Operation. Defend Benghazi Brigades (DBB) launched early on Friday a fresh military operation to facilitate the return of Benghazi IDPs to their city, according to Boshra News Agency, the news outlet of Benghazi Shura Council. The DBB forces took control of RasLanuf oil terminal and airport as well as Essidra oil terminal in central Libya, in addition to Ben Jawad and Nofaliya towns, in a surprise attack on Dignity Operation forces there.

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