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Libia @en - page 4

Gentiloni met Al Sarraj hoping on a deal to block Libya’s migrant smugglers

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Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni met his Libyan counterpart Fayez Al Sarraj in Rome on Monday hoping to win agreement on a deal to block Libya’s migrant smugglers, but how much leverage Mr Al Sarraj has back home is an open question. Italy has reaffirmed its willingness to stop the migrant flux, especially after the rescuing of 3,000 of them last week. Italy and Libya had concluded an agreement to repatriated Libyan’s illegal migrants in counterpart of an financial aid of E200 millions from the EU to implement refugees camps in Libya.

Libya's UN-backed unity government asked for an economical plan an agreement on Libyan's migration

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Interior ministers mainly from the central Mediterranean region met in Rome on Monday to ramp up efforts to curb migration from Libya amid a sharp rise in the number of people trying to cross to Europe. In front of emergency, they had tried to find an agreement on Libyan’s migration, following the model of the very controversial EU-Turkey agreement. Libya’s UN-backed unity government, ask for an economical plan of $860 million to manage the migrant crisis. This concept of stop migrants before they reach international water is controversial, indeed, some case of rape, violences, tortures had been reported from Libya; as denounced by the journal The Guardian last weeks, keeping migrants in Libya could have a more dramatic effect than bring them on European continent.

The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability

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The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability, sovereignty, integrity, and the unity of institutions emanating from the Libyan Political Agreement (PA) that signed in Skhirat, confirming the need for peaceful settlement to the Libyan crisis, refusing intimidation or use of military power, and the foreign intervention. The quadrilateral meeting has expressed its oppositions to recent violences in the Oil crescent, and told its preoccupation about recent violences in Tripoli. But it had recalled the necessity to overpass these conflicts to reach peace. The role of regional partners had been underlined, and EU has promised an economical help plan of E120 millions to deal about immigration.

About the Friday protest in Tripoli: the MPB had asked PC to apologize to Libyan people

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Misrata Political Bloc (MPB) has strongly deplored the statement of UN-installed Presidency Council (PC) about the Friday protest in Tripoli and demanded it to retract it. In a statement, published Saturday morning, the MPB had asked to PC to apologize to Libyan people and Misrata locals, following the racist and hate speeches heard during the manifestaiton of Friday night, which had been dispersed by gunfire, from an unknown group.

The PC and GNA have denounced the violences on Tripoli Martyr Square

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The Presidential Council (PC) and the Government of National Accord (GNA) have denounced the violences which took place on Tripoli Martyr Square this Friday. The manifestation had been organized to call General Haftar to bring his Army inside Tripoli to stabilize the country. But during the protest someone has opened the fire on the crowd. At this time (18/03) we still haven’t got any precisions on the number of injured or killed.

After violent fights around RasLanuf and Sidra, Haftar and the Dignity Operations have retaken the strategic ports

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After violent fights around RasLanuf and Sidra, General Haftar and the Dignity Operations have retaken the strategic ports. Operation Dignity have seized control of the entire oil crescent region and have kicked out the forces of the Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG) of the Government of National Accord from there. The actual situation has attracted international regards, preoccupied of the situation.

Sameh Shoukry: Egypt’s support for Libya continues

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Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry made a phone call to the president of the Libyan presidential council, Fayez Al-Sarraj, in which their discussions mainly focused on the updates of the situation in Libya. Shoukry has confirmed his sustain to Libyan unification, and to the government of Tripoli, leaded by Al-Sarraj.  Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies has confirmed the effectiveness role of Egypt in the resolution of the Libyan’s crisis. Egypt, as leading power in the Middle-East, is confirming its capacity to manage regional conflicts, even if the Libyan situation still oscillates between anarchy and stability.

Tobruck's government in the Cairo to ask more sustain to Haftar's operations, but Egypt has also gave its sustain to Tripoli's government BDB

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The Tobruck’s government, guided by Abdullah Al-Thinni, had been a meeting in the Cairo to ask more sustain to Haftar’s operations. The visit comes before the meeting of the Arab foreign ministers at the Arab League prior to the Arab Summit that will take place in Amman. But Egypt has also gave its sustain to Tripoli’s government, which sustain BDB (Benghazi Defence Brigade) so the opposition of the HoR (House of Representatives) which act on the ground under the LNA (Libyan National Army). Each Libyan’s governments is trying to receive the sustain of Egypt, but Egypt seems to be more in favour of the GNA (General National Accord) than the HoR, since conflicts in the Oil Crescent. Egypt could be the State who will help to unify Libya, and allowed discussions between the divergent fractions.

Government of National Accord at Tripoli asks for a stabilization under the NOC, Haftar (LNA) has deployed 600 men to support the Petroleum Facilities Guard in the Oil Crescent

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The situation in the Oil crescent stay conflictual. A senior official at Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) warned on Monday of a possible declaration of force majeure at the Es Sider and RasLanuf oil terminals, as air strikes continued and rival forces mobilised fighters in the area. Due to air strikes committed by LNA (Libyan National Army)  a large part of workers have left the industry. The effective control of the exploitation isn’t so clear. Oil is no longer being pumped to Es Sider, forcing Waha Oil Co to halt production and also affecting output by Harouge Oil Operations. In one hand the GNA (Government of National Accord) at Tripoli asks for a stabilization under the NOC, in an other hang General Haftar (LNA) has deployed in emergency 600 men to support the Petroleum Facilities Guard in the Oil Crescent. So, the situation is still not stabilize and the production decrease could have an important impact on Libyan’s economy, and maybe a global rise of oil’s price, so consequences at the international level.

Al-Sweihli arrives in Qatar for more support to GNA

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The Head of the High Council of State (HCS) Abdelrahamn Al-Sweihli, has arrived in Qatar today on a formal visit aiming at receiving more support for the UN-brokered Government of National Accord (GNA). This diplomatic operation is looking to create international sustains to the GNA after recent troubles due to Oil crescent crisis, and the “crisis” inside Libya. Indeed, after his sustain for BDB (BengazhiDefence Brigade), GNA has lost the the faith from large part of East Libya’s population, which has reached LNA (Libyan National Army) supports and the HoR (House of Representatives). So by this way, GNA is trying to recuperate an international support to maintain his partial power on the country.

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