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Iraq receives first batch of South Korean T-50 fighter jets

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The jets received aim to support Iraqi forces in dislodging Islamic State (IS) militants from the city of Mosul. The T-50 fighter jets will soon participate in the military operations against IS terrorists, the statement said. The arrival of the new fighter jets comes as Iraqi security force backed by the anti-IS international coalition are carrying out a major offensive to drive out IS militants from its last major stronghold in and around Mosul.

ISIS takes advantage of bad weather to hit back at Iraqi forces.

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Residents have been streaming out of western neighbourhoods recaptured by the government, many desperately hungry and traumatized by living under ISIS’ harsh rule. As many as 600,000 civilians are still trapped with the militants inside Mosul, and thousands of residents have escaped to government lines in recent days but it has been impossible to tally the number of civilian casualties. The army and security forces have made significant gains in recent days in the battle that started back in October, seizing a main bridge over the Tigris River and advancing towards the mosque in the Old City from where ISIS’ leader declared a caliphate in 2014. But the fighting is expected to become even harder as the militants defend their last enclaves in what was once their stronghold in Iraq.

Consensus on strong US-Saudi stretgic relationship

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During the meeting between Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdullaziz Al Saud and US President Trump in Washington on Tuesday, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations and regional issues of mutual interest. The two directed their teams to strengthen an elevate the US-Saudi strategic relations for the benefit of both countries, to deepen commercial ties and expand cooperation in the energy sector. Concerning regional issues the two countries discussed in particular Iran’s destabilizing regional activities and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its solution. Moreover they talked about the ongoing security and military cooperation between the two countries in confronting ISIS and other transnational terrorist organizations. They also discussed bilateral cooperation in the economic, commercial, investment and energy fields and the developing of a new United States-Saudi program.

Islamic State (ISIS) militants are now completely surrounded in Mosul by Iraqi security forces.

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The U.S.-led Coalition said Islamic State (ISIS) militants are now completely surrounded in Mosul by Iraqi security forces. Dorrian added that 60 percent of the territories that ISIS once controlled in Iraq have now been recaptured due to the cooperation between the Peshmerga and Iraqi security forces who, he said, are fighting bravely. He also said that Iraqi forces had now liberated 17 areas of western Mosul.

Over 2000 U.S. soldiers arrive in Iraq ahead of anti-ISIS offensive

BreakingNews @en di

Troops are set to back the Iraqi forces in an upcoming offensive to dislodge ISIS in Anbar’s western town of Qaem and areas around the military base. U.S.-backed Iraqi forces currently control over one third of western Mosul and are pushing deeper into the city, encountering fierce counter-attacks from the ultra-hardline group that has slowed progress. The assault on Mosul, the jihadists’ last major stronghold in Iraq, was launched by a 100,000-strong alliance of local forces on Oct. 17 that has become the biggest military operation in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. The offensive to recapture west Mosul started three weeks ago.

FBI investigating ISIL cell in Turkey, five suspects

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been investigating an Islamic State Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) cell known as the “Dokumacılar” since a suicide attack killed two U.S. citizens and two others on Istanbul’s İstiklal Avenue on March 19, 2016, according to revelations from a case file at the Istanbul Chief Prosecutor’s Office. Five suspects from the attack were put on trial by the Istanbul 23rd Court of Serious Crimes in connection with the attack.

Over 2000 U.S. soldiers arrive in Iraq ahead of anti-ISIS offensive

BreakingNews @en di

Troops are set to back the Iraqi forces in an upcoming offensive to dislodge ISIS in Anbar’s western town of Qaem and areas around the military base. U.S.-backed Iraqi forces currently control over one third of western Mosul and are pushing deeper into the city, encountering fierce counter-attacks from the ultra-hardline group that has slowed progress. The assault on Mosul, the jihadists’ last major stronghold in Iraq, was launched by a 100,000-strong alliance of local forces on Oct. 17 that has become the biggest military operation in Iraq since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. The offensive to recapture west Mosul started three weeks ago.

The Iraqi Minister of Migration and Displacement said Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) don’t contribute to an overload of the Kurdistan Regional Government

BreakingNews @en di

The Iraqi Minister of Migration and Displacement said Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) don’t contribute to an overload of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) that cause an electricity shortage. Mohammed noted less than one million Iraqi displaced people have now been settled in the Kurdistan Region, which previously was 1.4 million. As the Islamic State (ISIS) overran large swaths in Iraq in June 2014, thousands of Iraqis fled their homes and headed towards the Kurdistan Region. KRG officials repeatedly say the Iraqi government’s humanitarian assistance to the region hasn’t been sufficient to deal with the displaced people.They also say it is a reason for the economic crisis which has faced the KRG since 2014, after drop of oil prices and budget share cut from Baghdad.

Iraqi forces unearth mass grave of Shia inmates killed by ISIS

BreakingNews @en di

The site was revealed by an eyewitness, an unidentified member of Hashid Shaabi, a state-run umbrella for Shia paramilitary groups. Human Rights Watch said in a report that as many as 600 people were killed in the Badush prison massacre, which took place on the same day that ISIS militants captured Mosul in June 2014. There, they separated a few Sunni and Christian inmates from the rest, who were overwhelmingly Shia, before forcing them to form one long line along the edge of a ravine and machine-gunning them down.




“Sinai Province” militants’ adhoc checkpoints require revision to security measures in North Sinai

BreakingNews @en di

After events of last weeks in North Sinai, the Cairo has taken measures to stabilize the region, even if, as seen last Saturday with the murder of one Egyptian by terrorists, the situation is still precarious. This doubt about the real security in North Sinai was put in question again on social media with the diffusion of   photos of militants from the IS-affiliated group of “Sinai Province”, while carrying out a checkpoint inside central Al-Arish. On photos, we can see ISIS’ militants armed of guns, inspecting civilians cars near El-Faleh Square, center of Al-Arish. On the situation of militants’ adhoc checkpoints, El Refaay clarified that the militants are hiding between civilians in Al-Arish and only appear when they are sure that police forces are far away. Thus, the situation in North Sinai, even if its officially under control of the Cairo seems to be quite difficult. Affiliated terrorist groups have infiltrated population and try to control parts of the city with some checkpoints.


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