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Iran @en - page 8

Iran steps up support for Houthis in Yemen's war.

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Sources with knowledge of military movements declared Iran is sending advanced weapons and military adviser’s to Yemen’s Houthis and is taking a greater role in the civil war in Yemen. A senior Iranian official Major General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Forces, met top IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) offcials last month to look at ways to empower the Houthis through trainings, arms and financial support. Even if Iran rejects the accusations from Saudi Arabia, there are informations and evidence that the Iranians are smuggling weapons into the area and it is known that winning the battle in Yemen will help define the balance of power in the Middle East. Iran’s plan is to create a Hezbollah-like militia in Yemen and encircle the Saudis, reason why some Sunni Muslim countries in the Middle East were alarmed by Iran’s activities. A source also said Iran is sending weapons in Yemen using ships directly or via Somalia, bypassing coalition’s efforts to intercepts shipsment and once the ships arrive in the region, the cargoes are transferred to small fishing boats, very hard to spot.

Amnesty International condemns US and UK over Yemen arms

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Amnesty International condemned the United States and Britain for transferring arms to Saudi Arabia to use in its war in Yemen, Western media reported. The London-based watchdog described the arms transfers as a “shameful contradiction” of aid efforts by the United States and Britain. ‘These governments have continued to authorize such arms transfers at the same time as providing aid to alleviate the very crisis they have helped to create,’ said Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty’s deputy director of research for the Middle East and North Africa. Iran has repeatedly condemned crimes committed against the oppressed people of Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition including demolishing infrastructures in Yemen and killing defenseless civilians in almost two years of devastating war against that country. In March 2015, a so-called Saudi-led coalition began a major aggression on Yemen in a bid to reinstate the country’s fugitive president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Iraqi diplomat: Baghdad ready to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia

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Iraq’s Ambassador to Kuwait Alaa al-Hashimi said on Thursday that his country is ready to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Al-Hashemi made the remarks while speaking in an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. Given its good relations with all regional countries, Iraq is ready to step in and help bring closer the views of Tehran and Riyadh, the ambassador said. He said that any measure by Iraq to help improve Iran-Saudi Arabia relations would not be a difficult one because there exists the required determination and good will on both sides.

Mossad chief: Iran's nuclear ambitions remain primary threat to Israel

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Israel must remain vigilant on Middle East dynamics, pursue mutual interests with friend.As long as the ayatollahs’ regime exists, Iran will pose a challenge to Israel. We can’t talk anymore about “Arab Spring” but we are talking about a log winter.Some countries have disintegrated, and some, like Iraq, Libya and Syria, are in the process of failing. The world in general and the Middle East in particular have undergone tremendous changes, not all of which could be predicted. We have four primary dangers to Israel in the region. The first threat is the conventional one, which has clouded Israel since its inception, namely regular armies with air forces and the ability to stage ground maneuvers. The second one is the nuclear threat; the third one is terrorist and guerrilla groups and the last one is the cyber dimension. It’s a relatively new threat, but we have already seen its power.

Iran: more efforts for boosting production and increasing employment

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We are determined to make great move in employment by boosting production/We mustn’t let some pens, people, tongues sow despair in youths’ hearts/Gov’t path to decrease social issues correct/We must resolve issues by consultation, collective logic. Referring to the Supreme Leader’s naming of the new year as the year of “Resistive Economy; Production and Employment”, he stressed more efforts for boosting production and increasing employment.

Syrian militia leader killed in alleged Israeli drone strike.

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At approximately 4 p.m. on Sunday, a militia commander loyal to the Bashar Assad regime was killed in an alleged Israeli drone strike in Syria. The drone fired in Syria, to Damasco.The U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the alleged Israeli strike was carried out near the town of Khan Arnaba on the Syrian Golan Heights. We know that al-Sayed was affiliated with President Bashar Assad’s regime and commanded armed militias operating on the Syrian Golan Heights.  Al-Sayed was assassinated after apparently planning and trying to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel, with the support of his Iranian colleagues and his militia fighters. According to the Prime Minister Lieberman he said that ISrael hasn’t got any interest to intervening in the civil war in Syria, going against Russia and Assad. Israel wants only to prevents weapons to Hezbollah. Anyway he Russians are still furious.

Registration for Iran’s city councils elections begins.

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Iran  started to register candidates for the country’s 5th City and Village Councils elections slated for May. March 26 will be the deadline for the candidates to apply for registration. Recently, Qassem Mirzaee Nekou, member of a monitoring team overseeing the polls, had told Tasnim that 11,000 machines will be used for the upcoming City and Village Councils elections, and the other 600 electronic ballot boxes will be kept in reserve. The City and Village Councils elections is scheduled to be held simultaneously with the presidential election on May 19. Members of the councils across Iran are elected by public vote for a 4-year term. According to article 7 of the Iranian Constitution, the local councils, together with the parliament, are “decision-making and administrative organs of the State”.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) condemns UN for removing report on Israel apartheid

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The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) condemned the UN for revoking a report accusing Israel of imposing an apartheid regime on Palestinians. “Instead of succumbing to political blackmail or allowing itself to be censured or intimidated by external parties, the UN should condemn the acts described in the report and hold Israel responsible”, said PLO Executive Committee member HananAshrawi on Saturday. She also called on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to take real conscience of the situation, including the precedent cases of human rights and international law’s violations.

Iran welcomes peaceful settlement of armed conflict in Syria

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Iran’s permanent representative envoy to the UN said Iran together with Russia and Turkey as Guarantor States will spare no efforts to guarantee the Ceasefire Regime in Syria, agreed on 30 December 2016. Here a citation: “The Islamic Republic of Iran, with the aim of ending the ongoing crises in Syria and within the framework of its principled policy based on respecting the Syrian territorial integrity and sovereignty, finding a political solution to the crisis through intra-Syrian talks and objection to the instrumental use of terrorism for political gains; has taken effective measures upon the request of the Syrian Arab Republic in different political, humanitarian and anti-terrorism areas, including sending humanitarian assistance to Syrian civilians”.

South Korea, Turkey to build ME’s largest power plant in Iran

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As quoted by Yonhap News Agency, SK Engineering & Construction (SK E&C) has teamed up with Turkey’s energy giant UNIT International SA to build and operate new power plants in Iran. Under the deal, the South Korean firm will join the Turkish firm’s ongoing project to build and operate five new gas-fired power plants in Iran, said to be worth US$4.2 billion in total.

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