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7th Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session ends

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The 7th Iran-G5+1 Joint Commission session ended in Vienna after three hours of discussion on controversial issues, including disloyalty of the US and Iran’s purchase of 950 tons of yellow cake. Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi and Deputy Foreign Minister for Euro-American Affairs Majid Takht-Ravanchi as well as Helga Schmid, the Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), were present in the Tuseday meeting. That was the first session of the commission since the new US administration has come to power. Bilateral talks between the Iranian team and some countries of the G5+1 are underway. The previous session was held on January 10, 2017, ten days before end of the former US President Barack Obama’s presidency and on a call by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif.

25 April 2017 meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission

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The meeting provided the opportunity to address the implementation of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) with regard to nuclear and sanctions related commitments. The Joint Commission particularly welcomed the important progress made on the Arak modernisation project, where Chinese and Iranian companies signed the first consultancy services contract on Sunday, 23 April, in Vienna. Participants discussed the importance of implementation of Annex III of the JCPOA on civil nuclear cooperation, and welcomed in this context the recent EU-Iran high-level seminar on international nuclear cooperation.

Copenhagen and Tehran have considerably broadened the volume of their trade transactions and cooperation

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Danish Ambassador to Iran Danny Annan announced that Copenhagen and Tehran have considerably broadened the volume of their trade transactions in the post-sanctions era. During the meeting in the Danish capital, Chitchian and Lilleholt explored avenues for bolstering and reinvigorating of bilateral ties, specially in the field of renewable energies. “Cooperation in the field of renewable energies serves as the pivot of cooperation between Iran and Denmark in the future”, Chitchian said. The Iranian energy minister also called for collaboration on renewable energies, promoting water resources quality and recycling waste water. He pointed to the energy ministry’s commitment to observe environmental considerations while implementing projects and Iran’s voluntary participation regarding Paris International Forum’s agreements, and said, “Given Denmark’s capabilities as well as Iran’s unparalleled capacities in the fields of wind and solar powers, promoting renewable energies application can serve as the basis of mutual cooperation in future”.

Palestinians must pass 'test of peace', stop paying terrorists.

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The first thing the Palestinian Authority must do to prove it is committed to making peace with Israel is stop rewarding terrorism and stop payments to terrorists and the families of terrorists, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Sean Hannity of Fox News in an exclusive weekend interview. The prime minister told Hannity: “This is the crazy thing: They pay terrorists on a sliding scale, not on the cost of living, but on the cost of killing. The more you kill, the more you get. And it accumulates to vast sums, some of it contributed by Americans, by European governments”. Abbas, to his own people he says, ‘We don’t want a state next to Israel, we want a state instead of Israel”. The prime minister explained that the fact that “many in the region are threatened by that same Iran, and would be immeasurably threatened more by a nuclear-armed Iran” has brought many countries in the region to a “different thinking about Israel”. “The greatest challenge is the challenge of militant Islam of both kinds, the Shiite variety led by Iran, the Sunni variety led by ISIS [the Islamic State]. Both have to be rolled back, but of the two, the greater long-term change is from Iran. It’s a country of 80 million, it’s got oil. It’s developing submarines, it’s developing precision-guided rockets and missiles. It’s developing nuclear weapons, down the line. Satellites”, Netanyahu said, adding that power of that kind in the hands of a “militant Islamic regime” posed a threat to the entire world.



Rouhani opens 5th WAIC summit in Qazvin

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The 5th World Assembly of Islamic Cities (WAIC) summit has convened Sunday in the Iranian city of Qazvin with President Hassan Rouhani in attendance. In addition to representatives from the United Nations, ambassadors, governors and a number of urban and religious science scholars from Iraq, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Palestine, Indonesia, China, Morocco, Pakistan and Afghanistan are also in attendance. Over 800 Iranian and international guests are taking part in the 5th summit of the World Assembly of Islamic Cities currently underway at Imam Khomeini International University in Qazvin. The World Assembly of Islamic Cities (WAIC) is an international non-governmental and not-for-profit organization which promotes sustainable urban development according to the ideals of Islam. WAIC seeks to provide a forum for exchange of approaches to sustainable Islamic Cities from technological, scientific, managerial, cultural and spiritual perspectives.

Zarif: JCPOA result of Tillerson predecessors revision of US wrong policies against Iran

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Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday recommended his US counterpart Rex Tillerson to learn form the country’s past statesmen’s failures in pushing forward antagonistic policies against Iran and said that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is result of his predecessors’ revision of US totally wrong policies against Iran and region. ‘US statesmen should know that they have not and will not achieve result by speaking in the language of sanctions and threat and using hostile rhetoric against Iran and Iranians,’ he said, recalling that US predecessors were not successful in implementing their unrealistic and wrong policies with regard to Iran. US foreign minister one day writes to Congress that Iran has complied with it commitments under JCPOA while the other day in contradictory statements accuses Iran of nuclear ambitions and described the deal as the one to bribe Iran. As to the repetition of empty and untrue claims of Tillerson and other US officials on Terrorism and Iran’s missile tests, he said, ‘We believe that Iran and other regional and global countries’ interests are contingent upon curbing unraveling terrorism which has unfortunately gone out of control due to US’ miscalculations and Imprudence as well as its regional allies’ instigations. No doubt that Iran as an advanced country in the fight against the evil phenomenon of terrorism is in the frontline of struggling for establishing peace and security in the region and world, in defiance of the US unwise policies, Zarif said. Reiterating the peaceful nature of Iran’s missile defense program, he described it as Iran’s legitimate and natural right which is not in contravention with any international regulations. Recalling the fact that how a dictator imposed a destructive war on Iran for eight years (former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein), Zarif said that Iranians will never allow the bitter experience be repeated again and the country’s missile program does not pose any threat to any country and is a totally rational policy.

Iran: Final list of presidential candidates released

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Iran’s Guardian Council approved six candidates to run for the May 19 presidential election. According to Iran’s Interior Ministry’s press release, Mostafa Aqa-Mirsalim, Es’haq Jahangiri, Hassan Rouhani, Ebrahim Raeisi, Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf, and Mostafa Hashemi-Taba are the 6 candidates who have been approved to run for the upcoming election. The qualified candidates can start their election campaign from now until May 18. The Guardian Council started the process of screening 1,636 hopefuls registered for the May 19 presidential election on Sunday.

Kuwait Foreign Ministry: Joint cooperation with Iran significant, strategic

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Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sabah al-Khaled Sabah emphasized the significance of joint cooperation with Iran, saying that dialogues and political consultations with it are important and strategic. In a news conference with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel after bilateral talks in Kuwait, he added that Kuwait and other Arab Persian Gulf littoral states acknowledge the fact that Iran is a major country in the region and good ties with Tehran will benefit all the countries and regional stability. Kuwaiti minister also said that the upcoming meeting of Arab Persian Gulf littoral states slated for mid-May will discuss latest developments in the field of conducting strategic talks with Iran. Emphasizing his country’s stable policy of fighting terrorism, he noted that Kuwait is supporting efforts made to return home Iraqi refugees and reconstruction of the country. The country also extends backing to Iraqi Army’s operations to liberate Mosul.


Portugal ready to remove banking barriers to expand cooperation with Iran

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Portugal’s Secretary of State of Internationalization Jorge Costa Oliveira expressed readiness to expand cooperation with Iran through removing banking obstacles, especially in trade sector. Jorge Costa Oliveira, who has traveled to Tehran as the head of an economic delegation, met and discussed with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for European and American Affairs Majid Takht-Ravanchi on Tuesday to study ways for boosting economic relations between Iran and Portugal. Portugal welcomes development of cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a country with a long history and influence in the region in bilateral and regional fields, Costa Oliveira said. Pointing to Iran’s position in the region and appreciating the country for hosting the Afghan refugees during the past years, Oliviera highly regarded the familiarity with Iran’s stance on regional issues, cooperation in the fight against terrorist threats and the settlement of regional crises. Takht-Ravanchi, for his part, pointing to the high economic potential of the two countries, said Iran welcomes cooperation with Portugal in various bilateral and regional fields, especially in regular political consultations in sectors such as energy, tourism, agriculture, information technology and academic affairs

Iranian Defense Ministerr warns US to avoid war in Korean Peninsula

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Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan warned the US not to be after warmongering in the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East, stressing that any such resort to the military action by Washington would only harm the US. “He (the US defense secretary) and the US leaders would be better off if they go after resolving their country’s domestic problems and avoid creating a new crisis and igniting the flames of war in Korea and the Middle-East”, General Dehqan said in reaction to US Defense Secretary James Mattis’s recent remarks against Iran. He advised Mattis to study the history of the US wars and crimes in the world in the past decades and find the root causes of Washington allegations against others. General Dehqan reminded Mattis that the era of gun crimes and allegations against others has ended, adding that such remarks are only an attempt in vain to reverse the stands of the accused with the plaintiff in the eyes of the public. On a visit to South Korea this week, the US vice-president, Mike Pence, warned Pyongyang against testing Trump’s “resolve”, and declared an end to Obama’s “strategic patience” policy. But North Korea’s deputy foreign minister, Han Song-Ryol, said that Pyongyang would continue to test missiles “on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis”. All-out war would ensue if the US took military action, he said.

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