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Iran @en - page 15

Iraqi forces’ partecipation in Syria’s anti-terror campaign could be possible

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The spokesman of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces, Hashd al-Shaabi, didn’t rule out the possibility of the forces’ participation in Syria’s anti-terror campaign in consequences of the request by Damascus government.“If we were to be present (in Syria), it should be at the request of the Syrian government and with the approval of the Iraqi Parliament and administration,” he have said but itemized that a presence of the Iraqi popular forces in Syria would be after liberation of Iraqi territories and should be within the framework of law. On a meeting with Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader stressed the necessity for unity in Iraq and said it can prevent formation of more Takfiri groups in the Arab country.

CAR investigation shows a “weapons pipeline” from Iran to Yemen

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On November 29, the Conflict Armament Research (CAR), British-based research centre primarily funded by the European Union, released a report showing evidence of Iran’s involvement in the smuggling of weapons to the Houthis rebels in Yemen. The analysis is based on the seizure in February and March of weapons from dhows sailing in the Arabian Sea by the Australian warship HMAS Darwin and the French frigate FS Provence, both part of the Joint International Task Force operating in the Horn of Africa in counter-terrorism and counter-piracy activities. This Task Force works independently and separately from the Saudi-led military coalition operating in the same area.

According to the report, HMAS Darwin seized more than 2,000 weapons, including AK-type assault rifles and 100 Iran-made rocket launchers from the dhow directed to Somalia. The seizure by the French frigate includes other 2,000 assault rifles, with those typical features of the Iranian production and 64 Iran-manufactured Hoshdar-M sniper rifles. In addition, nine Russian-made Kornet anti-tank guided missiles were found on board. An additional Kornet seized by forces within the Saudi coalition in Yemen seems to be part of the same production run as those seized by FS Provence.

The report mentions also the seizure by USS Sirocco – US Navy patrol boat- of AK assault rifles, rocket launchers and machine guns from a dhow transiting in the region. The US Navy believed these weapons to come from Iran and be destined to Yemen. To date, however, no additional information has been shared by the US with CAR.

Weapons seized on board seem to match with those seized from the Houthi rebels in Yemen. Crossing serial numbers and weapons model, CAR has drawn three main conclusions about their origin.

First, the Iranian-produced RPG missile launchers -easily identifiable by the olive green color furniture, the cylindrical rear firing grip, and the yellow serial number – were found on several vessels, including those intercepted by HMAS Darwin and Sirocco. Secondly, sniper rifles could come from Iranian stocks. In fact, such a significant number of weapons sequentially numbered suggests the weapons come from a national stockpile rather than from multiple non-state sources. Finally, Iran may have provided anti-tank guided missiles both of own and Russian production.

Given the number of weapons found on board, most of them manufactured in Iran, investigators talk about the existence of a weapons pipeline from Iran to Yemen. Weapons would initially reach Somalia (in the northern region of Puntland) for local weapons markets and then continue the journey towards Yemen, to arming the Houthi rebels, who have been fighting for the past 20 months against the internationally recognized government of President Hadi.

According to CAR, Iran’s involvement in this kind of traffic is a serious violation of the embargo placed by the United Nations on the arms transfer to rebels. In particular, UN Security Council Resolutions No. 2140 (February 2014), No. 2216 (April 2015), and No. 2266 (February 2016), calling on member states to take all necessary measures to prevent this type of transfers. It would not be the first episode of violation of UN Resolutions by the Islamic Republic.

On 23 January 2013, in fact, the USS Farragut intercepts a shipment of 122-mm Katyusha missiles, radar systems, Chinese QW-1M anti-aircraft missiles, and 2.6 tons of RDX explosives on the ship Jihan 1, off the Yemeni coast. The episode violated the stricter UNSCR 1747 (2007), according to which “Iran Shall not supply, sell, or transfer directly or Indirectly from its territory or by its nationals or using its flag vessels or aircraft any arms or related materiel”.

As in the past, Iran has denied its involvement in these activities, highlighting that its support for the Houthi rebels is only political and diplomatic. However, sources from different Somali ports confirm that the weapons arrive from Iran on large vessels that either come into dock or anchor off the coast, where they are reached by smaller boats, then carrying part of the illicit cargo to other ports in the region. The rest goes to Yemen, in particular to the port of Ash Shihr, east of Mukalla, where they camouflage in the intense maritime traffic that characterizes this area. Further evidence is the very nature of those weapons, uncommon in the Somali arms market.

In conclusion, Iran’s military support for the Houthi rebels is quite evident, despite several warnings received both at the UN and in other regional forums. Patrolling in the waters of the Horn of Africa will continue in order to prevent the supply of arms to the rebels, further fueling the already critical situation in Yemen. However, it would be advisable a future closer coordination and enhanced information sharing among the various actors operating in the field, so they could have a comprehensive picture of Iran’s traffic and be able to tackle more effectively the threat they represent for the stability of the region.


Paola Fratantoni


Trans-regional powers cannot ensure security in the Middle East

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The Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said at an International Conference on Security in Tehran that the Trans-regional powers are incapable of ensuring security in the Middle East and the Iranian interference in the region has been aimed at supporting Israel or fomenting crises. The social and political situation of the regional nations preclude any chance of success for foreign powers, he added, saying outsiders lack competence to ensure regional security because their interference in the region has been aimed at backing the Israeli regime.“These acts of interference have been a main factor in the spread of terrorism in the region; NATO’s presence in Afghanistan for countering terrorism has been ineffective, and the war on Iraq also created terrorism in the region,” he explained.

SNSC’s Secretary on what it takes to act legally against the violation of the July 2015 nuclear deal

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The Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani spoke to reporters in Theran on Sunday about what it takes to act legally against violation of the July 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers. All Iranian officials agree on the fact that a renewal of anti-Iran sanctions constitutes a violation of the nuclear agreement, and urge the US President to veto a bill recently passed by the US Congress to extend the sanctions. “We have the necessary legal capacities to counter breach of the JCPOA” Shamkhani further said, referring to the nuclear deal and specified “We will take necessary measures commensurated with what the other side does”. The bill passed by the Iranian Parliament is a 9-point directive issued by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and an SNSC approval gave those in charge a free hand to deal with the issue.

Military forces of Iran dominate over the Persian Gulf region more than ever

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“Today, the military forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have dominance over the Persian Gulf region more than ever,” said Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri to responde at the recent war rhetoric by some US politicians.
“If the US warmongers and their stooges make any immature and unprofessional act, they will definitely face the Islamic fighters’ crushing response,”- added Jazayeri.

Cooperation between OPEC and non-OPEC countries to stabilize and raise oil prices

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“Close cooperation among OPEC and non-OPEC countries is key to stabilize and raise oil prices,” has said the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.
The countries should work together to secure implementation of the deals in the first half of next year. The Iranian President specified the position of Latin American countries in the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy and said the Islamic Republic has always attached great importance to its relations and cooperation with these countries, including Venezuela. The OPEC members agreed in November to reduce output by around 1.2 million bpd from January 2017, a move that bolstered crude prices.

Teheran’s Provisional Friday Prayers Leader criticized Washington for its moves against JCPOA

Tehran’s Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami attacked Washington for its moves against the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) describing the US and other hegemonic powers as “not trustworthy”. Iran has to respond to USA. The cleric said experience has shown that the hegemonic powers do not know anything about logic and ethics either.

PGCC’s ‘Baseless’ allegations denounced by Iran

On Wednesday Bahram Qassemi dismissed as repetitive and unfounded the allegations raised by the PGCC in its summit in Bahrain earlier in the same day. His comments came hours after the six PGCC members (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) accused Iran of interfering in the internal affairs of regional countries and questioned Iran’s sovereignty over the three Persian Gulf islands of the Greater Tunb, the Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa; Qassemi underlined that the three islands remain to be an indispensable part of the country.

Qassemi also highlighted Iran’s policy of respect for good neighborliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of others, criticizing attempts by certain PGCC members at inciting sectarian and religious strife and he called on the other Arab country to take advantage from the  capacities of international organizations, like  UN, to strengthen stability and security instead of provoking tensions and weakening relations.

President Rouhani says Iran is not an international threat

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The President Rouhani said in a cerimony at Theran university “By capitalizing on the dispute over Iran’s nuclear issue, they wanted to persuade others that the Islamic Republic is a threat against security and stability of its neighbors as well as Europe and the global peace”. He added that the country has to let the world realize that Iran is no international threat and that Washington and Tel Aviv are misguiding the world.

A “weapon pipeline” from Iran to Somalia and Yemen was found by International investigators

International investigators have found a suspected “weapon pipeline” from Iran through Somalia to Yemen where Shiite rebels are battling the government, according to a report released on Wednesday. The analysis by Conflict Armament Research (CAR) is based on the seizure in February and March this year of weapons from dhows, traditional sailing vessels, in the Arabian Sea. Although their findings were “relatively limited”, the investigators said their analysis “suggests the existence of a weapon pipeline extending from Iran to Somalia and Yemen”. It said that traffickers offload weapons in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland in northern Somalia “for local arms markets or as transhipment points for onward supply to Yemen”.

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