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Iran @en - page 14

Leaders of Iran and Kyrgyzstan on ways to get a stronger relationship

Rouhani and his Kyrgyz counterpart, Almazbek Atambayev, held talks on ways to get stronger Tehran-Bishkek ties in all spheres. The two sides also hailed the outcome of efforts to promote cooperation in diverse fields during 24 years of their diplomatic ties as “positive” and stressed the need for boosting the relations more than ever. For this reason, the Rouhani’s trip to Kyrgyzstan is a manifestation of the two countries’ joint efforts to further deepen relationship. The documents include a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between Iran’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Central Asian country’s State Committee of Information Technologies and Communications.

Iran to promote cooperation with Armenia in the energy industry

At a joint meeting Iran’s President was called to express the country’s willingness to promote cooperation with neighboring Armenia in the energy industry, gas exports to Armenia and construction. Highlighting the suitable grounds for cooperation in the transportation industry, Rouhani said railroad links between Iran and Armenia would connect the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea and benefit the whole region. He also said expansion of bilateral economic ties and cooperation in the engineering and technical fields require easier banking interaction. Armenia’s President also made comments at the meeting, saying his country sees no obstacle to the expansion of ties with Iran.

Iran and Russia on ways to boost defense cooperation

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Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shaigo, exchanged views about a range of issues, including ways to boost defense cooperation between Iran and Russia and the latest developments in Syria’s embattled city of Aleppo. They need to continue joint efforts in the campaign against terrorism and other sources of insecurity in the region. Later on the same day, the Defense Ministers of Iran, Russia and Turkey were scheduled to hold trilateral talks in the Russian capital on the latest developments about the evacuation of people from Aleppo.

Meeting between the Syrian, Turkish and Russian Ministers

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says a cease-fire in Syria should not cover terrorist groups like the Islamic State group and the Fatah al-Sham Front, as well as Lebanon’s Hezbollah which fights on the government side. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who chaired Tuesday’s talks, did not openly disagree with Cavusoglu. But he mentioned that some groups operating in Syria “were invited by the government of Bashar Assad,” implying that Hezbollah’s presence in Syria is as legitimate as Russia’s own role. The Iranian Minister said that Iran “respects” Turkey’s stance, but added that “other countries don’t accept” it.

The recapture of Aleppo by the Syrian army changed the regional and trans-regional equations

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Amoli Larijani offered his congratulations to the Syrian people and government for the Resistance Front over the liberation of Aleppo and said it made radical changes to regional and trans-regional equations. The recapture of Aleppo by the Syrian army and allied forces shattered the dreams of “Westerners and their regional stooges”.“The West and terrorists were seeking to make Aleppo a base for their terrorist acts to create changes in the entire region,” he said. Hundreds of foreign-backed terrorists have surrendered in Aleppo in recent days.

US extension of Iran Sanctions Act slammed as a violation of the JCPOA

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed the US extension of Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) as a violation of the JCPOA, the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, saying such conducts would only erode international trust in the US administration. “The policy the US has adopted on Iran will reduce global trust in the US government,” said the President. He also called on the IAEA to fulfill its duties to help the JCPOA to survive. “The agency’s reports should be technical and impartial, and we expect the agency to carry out its duties in the fields of technical cooperation (with Iran), acquisition of peaceful nuclear technology and nuclear trade.”
The Japanese head of the UN nuclear agency also gave an assurance that the IAEA will remain an impartial agency and deal only with technical issues.

Ship of Chinese Navy seized a drone for civil use

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A ship of the Chinese Navy has seized a drone for civil use, started from an American ship that deals with oceanographic research, in the South Chinese Sea. The dynamics of the facts is not clear but it seems that the Chinese ship had crossed the US ship in international waters or, as says analyst Bonnie Glaser, in the waters of the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. The gesture is almost certainly retaliated against the words of Trump and is probably an attempt to point out to the President-elect would be better to change the diplomatic line towards Beijing.

Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations call for peace in the world

Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gholam Ali Khoshroo, stressed the necessity for the international community to help “cultural and military hegemony over the world”. Part of his full text:” What is happening today in many parts of the world, from the Occupied Palestinian territory, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and beyond all reflects our failure towards a more peaceful world. At the same time, what is at the core of the Culture of Peace is to have hope for the common future of humankind ” and “To see peace, it is imperative to give up on the mentality of intervention, as well as cultural and military hegemony over the world.”

Iranian Vice-President and Turkish PM discuss about the latest develoments in the Middle East region

The Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri and the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim have exchanged views about various issues about the latest developments in the Middle East region, particularly in Syria.

At first Jahangiri offered his condolences to the Turkish people and government over victims in a recent terrorist attack in Istanbul. For his part, the Turkish Premier expressed concern over the situation of civilians in Aleppo and said that the  Tehran influence and assistance ca

Iran ramped up diplomatic contacts with other countries to discuss ceasefire and humanitarian aid in Aleppo

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Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s Foreign Minister, has separate telephone conversations with top German, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and EU diplomats, Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini, on the latest developments in Syria and about the implementation of the JCPOA. Iran has ramped up diplomatic contacts with other countries in recent days after the liberation of Syria’s northwestern city of Aleppo from the grip of Takfiri terrorists and, on Wednesday, Zarif held talks with his Russian and Turkish counterparts, Sergei Lavrov and Mevlut Cavusoglu, to discuss the issues of ceasefire and humanitarian aid in Aleppo, as well as the latest developments across the Arab country. The battle of Aleppo ended on Tuesday, as Takfiri militants and the Syrian government agreed to a ceasefire that would ensure opposition fighters’ exit from the city.

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