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Iran @en - page 13

Iran will not allow the JCPOA agreement to be renegotiated

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Tillerson said on Wednesday he would recommend a “full review” of the nuclear deal with Iran but he did not call for an outright rejection of the 2015 accord. In reply, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for American and European Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi told reporters in Tehran on Friday that Iran “has many times reiterated that the JCPOA dossier will not open again at any rate.”
Iran will not allow the agreement to be renegotiated and this is the stance of all other member states to the Group 5+1.

Mali has common views with Iran on the issue of Palestine

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Speaking at a joint press conference with Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in Tehran the President of the National Assembly of Mali Issaka Sidibe said his country has common views with Iran on the issue of Palestine, criticizing the UN actions against the Palestinian nation over the past years. He elougise Iran’s efforts in support of Palestinians, stressing that Mali will vigorously attend a pro-Palestinian conference in Iran, slated for February. Iranian speaker said that the relations with African countries in the political, economic and cultural fields is top on the agenda of the Iranian foreign policy.

New session of the JCPOA joint commission focuses on Iran’s complaint about the US government’s conduct

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Austria is playing host to another session of the JCPOA joint commission to discuss various issues, with the focus on Iran’s complaint about the US government’s conduct. Russia has announced that the joint commission will discuss various issues about implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), including the US move to extend the anti-Iran sanctions.The meeting will be co-chaired by Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi and EU’s Deputy Foreign Policy Chief Helga Maria Schmid.

Iranian Deputy FM says Iran will not tolerate JCPOA breaches by another country

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“We will by no means tolerate it that a country breaches its undertakings regarding the JCPOA under various pretexts,” has said the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi dismissed putting up with violations of the JCPOA commitments by a certain party to the nuclear deal.The Iranian official said that is why Tehran has called for a meeting of the JCPOA joint commission in Vienna to consider Iran’s complaint over a recent US congressional bill extending the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA). The upcoming commission will be held in the Austrian capital on Tuesday, after Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in December sent a letter to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, coordinator of the JCPO, calling for a session to address the recent US congressional bill.

Rapprochement between Turkey and Iraq welcomed by Iran

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Iran has welcomed a recent rapprochement between Turkey and Iraq, which reached a new level after Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım visited the Iraqi capital on Jan. 6. Velayeti’s remarks come as Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım paid a visit to Iraq after months of rows over a camp in Iraq, where Turkish troops train Iraqi Sunni local forces to combat jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Describing Turkey’s stance “regarding respecting its neighbor’s territorial integrity” as a “positive step,” Velayeti said they wished for friendly to be established between Turkey and Syria. Turkey and Iran have for years been on opposite sides of the Syrian conflict, with Turkey supporting Syrian opposition fighters against the regime, and Iran supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad alongside Russia. Turkey and Russia recently reached a country-wide cease-fire in Syria and hope to bring the parties around a table in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana for peace talks later this month.

Islamic Revolution’s leader denounces Britain’s intent to exploit some countries in the region

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Islamic Revolution’s leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei denounced the British government: “Britain, the disabled old colonialist, once again has come to the Persian Gulf and is seeking to gain its interests through exploiting (some) countries in the region,”.The Leader said they also have the same ill intention against Iran but do not mention it because they are afraid of Iran’s public opinion, for this it’s necessary recognize the enemy and its plots.
He also underscored the necessity to increase the country’s power in scientific, economic and military areas among many others.

Iran needs unity more than ever

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Senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami warned about the new plots of enemies to create polarity between the Iranian voters in the spring presidential election: “For the twelfth (presidential) election (in Iran), the enemy has focused on creating rifts and polarizing the society, and on damaging the Establishment’s legal institutions, particularly the Judiciary,”. He affirmed that Iran needs unity more than ever and he belives the enemies have an extensive sinister ploy in the cyberspace and social networks to propagate falsified.

Islamic Republic of Iran opposes the imposition of any solution to Syrian government and people

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, Chairman of Iran’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said Islamic Republic of Iran opposes the imposition of any solution to Syrian government and people. Iran has always agreed and would agree with diplomatic solution to Syrian crisis though inter-Syrian dialogue.The inter-Syrian dialogue in Astana is not the first round of negations between Syrians and there had been similar talks in Damascus and Tehran in the past. Diplomatic solution does not include Daesh and al-Nosrah front and they should be confronted through military ways.

Pressing ahead with settlements activity may cause a war and the defeat of the Tel Aviv regime

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The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) spokesman reminded the Tel Aviv regime of a certain defeat it will have to suffer in a war that may break out as a result of pressing ahead with illegal settlement construction in Palestine, saying it will result in Israel’s annihilation.
The general described the US refusal to veto a UN Security Council resolution against Israeli settlement activity on Palestinian territory as a sign that Washington has come to realize that the course of events and continued settlement construction will result in the collapse of the Zionist regime of Israel. The UN Security Council condemned the Israeli settlements and continuing construction in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 as a “flagrant violation” of international law, saying it has “no legal validity”. The vote passed thanks to absence of US veto as it has dozens of times in the past and instead abstained from voting.

Trump’s desire to back out from JCPOA is a violation of international law

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Alexander Azadgan,a multi-awarded professor of Strategic Global Management & International Political Economy, said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency: “This was an agreement between Tehran and Washington plus five other superpowers. So Mr. Trump, you know, by expressing such a fanatical desire to want to back out of this deal, would be (acting) in violation of international law,” for him nothing has been implemented yet but even a rhetoric level that Mr. Trump has exhibited is very dangerous. The situation is complicated “Now, Russia and China have clearly been Iran’s allies throughout this whole process or procedure and on the other hand we have these two nations of Britain and France who have been playing a very corrosive role in the Middle East and their ships always sail in the same direction as Washington.”

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