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Iran @en - page 12

Leader of the Islamic Revolution: Iranian nation remains integrated and united in the face of the enemies

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei slammed the US rhetoric of military action on Iran as a ploy to distract attention from the real war against the Islamic Republic. The real purpose of the military threats is to disturb the Iranian officials concentration on economic progress.“The enemy is trying to ignore the (Iranian) developments and major achievements in the past 38 years (after the Islamic Revolution) and demoralize the people” he have said in Teheran. Describing the ethnic diversity in Iran as a privilege, the Leader said the adversaries seek every opportunity to create rift in Iran but the Iranian nation remains integrated and united in the face of the enemies.

The trade exchange between Iraq and Iran has reached $6 billion in the last two years

On monday Iraqi Ministry of Trade announced that the trade exchange between Iraq and Iran has reached $6 billion in the last two years. Iraq exported goods worth $60 million to Iran in 2015 and 2016, according to the statement.“The annual rate of increase of the trade exchange between Iraq and Iran has reached more than $250 million,” the statement reported. “The rate continuously increases despite the oil price, which is low at international markets.”Trade and economic relations between Iraq and Iran have increased since 2003.

Salami: Enemies urged to be careful when talking to Iranian Nation

Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami advised enemies to be respectful and careful when addressing the Iranian nation. He said: “The enemies had better speak to the proud, resistant and strong-minded nation of Iran with respect and caution”. Salami added that the massive turnout in rallies marking the Islamic Revolution anniversary on Friday demonstrated Iran’s greatness and might to the foes, especially the US. The remarks seem to be in reaction to US President Donald Trump’s recent comment about Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani.

Rouhani assured Moldova that it can rely on Iran to meet its energy demands

Highlighting Iran’s capabilities in the oil industry, President Hassan Rouhani assured Moldova that it can rely on Iran to meet its energy demands.
“With its high capabilities in producing oil, gas and gas condensates, the Islamic Republic of Iran can satisfy a major part of Moldova’s needs in this sphere,” Rohuani have said during a meeting with his Moldovan counterpart Igor Dodon in Tehran on Sunday.

Stressing the need for expansion of banking ties between Tehran and Chisinau as a stimulus to bilateral trade, Rohuani said the two countries need to make efforts to inform investors and economic activists about the potential and capacities available in the two countries.

For his part, Dodon called for efforts to tap into Iran and Moldova’s capacities in order to promote economic and trade ties.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani: “language of respect and dignity” is the only manner of treating the Iranian nation.

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reminded “rookie politicians” in the Middle East and the US that the “language of respect and dignity” is the only manner of treating the Iranian nation.“We are experiencing conditions in which some novices have come to power in the region, in the world and in the US, as they should all know that they have to talk to the Iranian nation with the language of respect and dignity,” ha have said to people taht attend huge rallies in Tehran on Friday to mark the 38th anniversary of victory of the Islamic Revolution. The president also warned the enemies making threats against the Iranian government or armed forces that the Islamic Republic enjoys an “integrated and vigilant nation”.On Friday, millions of people in capital Tehran, more than 1,000 other cities and towns, and in 4,000 villages, poured into the streets with flags of Iran and some Demonstrators hung Trump in effigy, burned the US and Israeli flags, and paid tribute to the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini.

The Islamic Republic is not going to allow the US to overstep its redlines

Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said the Islamic Republic is not going to allow the US to overstep its redlines. “Today, Iran is stronger (than the US) both politically and strategically and has great capabilities in all fields, which Washington does not favor”. Iran has specific redlines in the region and we will never allow the US to cross them, Boroujerdi said in an interview.“Americans have always been seeking to defeat Iran and its allies (in the region), the Resistance (Front) in particular, but have failed to do so,” he added.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said closer cooperation among Middle Eastern nations is needed to defeat terrorist groups like Daesh

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Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani highlighted ,during a meeting with former Iraqi oil minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi in Tehran, the importance of efforts to combat terrorism in Iraq and said closer cooperation among Middle Eastern nations is needed to defeat terrorist groups like Daesh. The Counter-terrorism is the most important issues for regional countries, Iraq in “The issue of combatting terrorism has great depth and complexity and, definitely, defeating these (terrorist) groups, especially Daesh, necessitates making extensive efforts and cooperation among regional countries,” he said. Iranian parliamentarian added that in the current juncture, the resolution of security problems in Iraq is of high importance because the country plays a central role in regional developments. Amid tensions in Iraq, Iran is known as the first country to help the Arab country and has always voiced support for Iraq’s solidarity and prosperity.

Iranian President said that the US has greatly lost the leverage to build international consensus to reach its objectives; good opportunity to rely on the potential of the Non-Aligned Movement

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said, during a meeting with Venezuela’s ministers of oil and foreign affairs, that the US has greatly lost the leverage to build international consensus to reach its objectives, highlighting the good opportunity to rely on the potential of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to defy unilateral policies in the world.In the current situation, all NAM members should join hands to help the movement play a more active role in regional and international developments, he added. The president then touched on Iran and Venezuela’s common views on many international issues, saying both independent nations have a foreign policy of resisting unilateral approaches in the world.Then the Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez relayed a written message from the Latin American country’s president, voicing Caracas’s determination to deepen ties with Tehran in all fields. She also stressed the need for fully implementing the OPEC agreement for balance and stability in the oil market.

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said Trump showing the real corruption in US

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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, In an address to Iranian Air Force commanders and personnel in Tehran, reminded the new US president that Iran is not afraid of threats, and said Trump has done Iran a favor by disclosing the magnitude of corruption in the US and showing the real face of America to the world. “With his words and deeds during the election campaign and in recent days, the new (US) president has plainly exposed the real nature of the US before the eyes of people of the world, and is revealing what the true US is,” Imam Khamenei added. As regards Trump’s comment that Iran “should have been thankful” for Obama’s administration, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “We are by no means thankful for that administration because it imposed heavy sanctions with the intent to cripple the Iranian nation and the Islamic Establishment, an objective it did not achieve, and no other enemy will be able to cripple this great nation either.

Trilateral meeting in Moscow between Iran, Russia and Turkey

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Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Jaberi Ansari and his Russian and Turkish counterparts held a trilateral meeting in Moscow on the latest developments in war hit Syria and the upcoming peace talks attended by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, focused on the arrangements made for the Syrian peace talks due to be held in Astana on January 23.

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