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Iran @en - page 11

Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army: the forces will never be surprised by any aggressor

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Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan praised the preparedness of the country’s Armed Forces, saying the forces will never be surprised by any aggressor and will make it regret its acts.“Given the preparedness of the Army, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and other Armed Forces, they will never be confounded under any circumstances”, he said. He further pointed to recent war games staged by the Islamic Republic and said the main objectives behind them is to warn those who have immature dreams of invading Iran and to create preparedness and test the new defense equipment. In case of any foreign aggression, definitely the aggressor will regret its action, he noted.

Iranian cleric reiterated Tehran’s unwavering policy to back the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime of Israel

BreakingNews @en di

Addressing a huge gathering of worshippers here in Tehran on Friday the senior Iranian cleric reiterated Tehran’s unwavering policy to back the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime of Israel, saying the issue of Palestine is the Islamic Republic’s first priority.“…We cannot just overlook it (the Palestinian issue) and the world should know that Palestine is the top priority for the Islamic Republic of Iran”, the cleric stated. The issue of Palestine is closely related to Islam, which says the domination of the unbelievers over Muslims is prohibited.
In another speech, Imam Khamenei said the third Palestinian intifada (uprising) will begin a very important chapter in the history of the Palestinian nation’s fighting and will inflict another defeat on the Zionist regime of Israel.

Rouhani: devise plans and mobilize efforts to find a decisive solution to the problems that have afflicted the Khuzestan

BreakingNews @en di

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani travelled to the southwestern province of Khuzestan on Thursday to address the woes that paralyzed the energy-rich province last week in the wake of flooding and dust storm. The trip comes a few days after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei deplored the “heartrending” problems of Khuzestan, calling on officials to devise plans and mobilize efforts to find a decisive solution to the problems that have afflicted the province, including flooding, dust pollution and blackouts. “The officials are duty-bound to address these problems; and if somebody cares about the people, they could not be indifferent to Khuzestan’s hardships; and it is a certain, immediate and permanent duty of governments to care about people”, the Leader said on Monday. The disruptive dust storms push pollution in those border areas to alarming levels, raising health concerns.

Iran’s President: Palestinian issue a disgrace for Global Community

BreakingNews @en di

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described the Palestinian issue as a deep wound in the body of the Islamic Ummah and an embarrassment for the international community and some Muslim states. “Is not a problem of a people or a nation but is a sign of injustice and oppression and disregard for international law and inefficiency of international bodies on the one hand, and a symbol of continued endeavors of a nation to restore their rights”, he said addressing the 6th International Conference on Palestinian Intifada (uprising) in Tehran. It is also a “disgrace for the international community and a shame for certain Islamic countries”, he added. The 6th International Conference on Palestinian Intifada, kicked off in Tehran on Tuesday with around 700 foreign officials and intellectuals, including 18 parliament speakers.

Nasrallah Advises Israel to 'Count to Million' before Thinking of New War on Lebanon

BreakingNews @en di

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Monday advised Israel anew against waging any war on Lebanon, warning that his group will not abide by any “red lines” in any future confrontation, media reports said. “Israel must ‘count to one million’ before waging any war on Lebanon and we’re prepared for any threat”, the reports quoted Nasrallah as telling Iran’s state television. “We are not advocates of war. We are in the defense position” Hizbullah’s chief reportedly noted. “In the face of Israel’s threats to destroy Lebanon’s infrastructure, we will not abide by red lines, especially regarding Haifa’s ammonia and the nuclear reactor in Dimona. Hizbullah possesses the full courage for this”, added Nasrallah. A 2006 war between Israel and Hizbullah killed about 1,200 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and around 160 Israelis mostly soldiers before ending in a United Nations-brokered cease-fire. The Israel-Lebanon border has remained mostly quiet since the 2006 war but there have been sporadic outbursts of violence.

Iraq and Iran signed MOU to study the construction of a pipeline to export crude oil from Kirkuk fields to Iran

BreakingNews @en di

Iraq and Iran signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Monday to study the construction of a pipeline to export crude oil from Kirkuk fields to Iran, Iraq’s oil ministry said. The agreement also calls for a commission to solve the conflict about joint oilfields and the possible transportation of Iraqi crude oil to Iran’s Abadan refinery, the statement added and agrred with the Iraqi oil minister he will visit his Iranian counterpart to cooperate on the policies of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Iran and Iraq decided on a plan for developing a pipeline to carry 40 mcm of gas to Iraq in September 2015. The plan was delayed over security concerns resulting from the war the Islamic State (ISIS) group has waged in Iraq.

Iran should pay the $300,000 legal bills for victims of terrorism act. Qassemi rejected a Canadian court’s ruling

BreakingNews @en di

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Bahram Qassemi rejected a Canadian court’s ruling ordering Tehran to pay the legal costs of victims of what it has alleged to be “Iranian-sponsored terrorist attacks”. His comments came after Justice Glenn Hainey ruled that Iran should pay the $300,000 legal bills of the victims who had sought compensation in the Ontario court under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act, he deplored the Canadian judge’s decision for neglecting international regulations and equality of states.

In 53rd edition of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) discussed the situation in Yemen, Syria and Iraq

BreakingNews @en di

During the meeting, held on the sidelines of the 53rd edition of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Germany, the Foreign Minister Zarif and UN Secretary General Guterres discussed international and regional issues, including the situation in Yemen, Syria and Iraq and the grave conditions of Rohingya Muslims in Mynamar.The Iranian foreign minister called for the United Nations’ more active presence in resolution of these crises. He also voiced Tehran’s readiness to cooperate with the UN and its secretary general’s efforts. Zarif further invited the UN chief to pay a visit to Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran calls on all Syrian groups to join the peace negotiations with the Syrian government.

BreakingNews @en di

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari announced that the next round of negotiations between the Syrian government and the rebel groups is planned to be held in Kazakhstan within less than a month. “The Islamic Republic of Iran calls on all Syrian groups to join the peace negotiations with the Syrian government and take the fate of their children in their hands”, he said. He further emphasized that a communique has been finalized by a joint committee monitoring the ceasefire in Syria, which has been established by Iran, Russia and Turkey.

Qassemi: Trump and Netanyahu unworthy allegations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

Bahram Qassemi said on Thursday that the recent anti-Iran remarks by US President Donald Trump and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu contain nothing except a repetition of bogus and unworthy allegations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. The accusations against Iran are in contradiction to multiple reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which have confirmed the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear activities. His comments came after Trump and Netanyahu at a joint press conference in Washington, DC, on Wednesday hammered Iran for its nuclear program.

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