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Iran @en - page 10

Iran condemns Damascus attacks, twins bomb killed 46 people

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Twin bombs targeting Shiite pilgrims killed 46 people in Damascus, most of them Iraqis, in one of the bloodiest attacks in the Syrian capital. A roadside bomb detonated as a bus passed and a suicide bomber blew himself up in the Bab Al Saghir area, which houses several Shiite mausoleums that draw a large number of pilgrims. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi strongly condemned the “heinous and shameful” terrorist attacks. “Indiscriminate assassinations, carnage and spilling the blood of innocent people, including women and children, are the last resort of the desperate and miserable terrorists who have lost their control more than ever following their repeated failures in different fields” he noted.

Iran thanks China for readiness to mediate in Saudi dispute

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Iran’s embassy in Beijing commended the Chinese government for its preparedness to mediate between Tehran and Riyadh, saying Iran has not still given up the hope that Saudis would realize the need for détente with the neighbors and contribute to regional security and stability.In a statement released on Friday, Iran’s embassy in Beijing welcomed China’s readiness to play a constructive role in the Middle East region. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said he hopes Saudi Arabia and Iran can resolve their differences through “equal and friendly consultations”, adding, “China is friends with both Saudi Arabia and Iran. If there is a need, China is willing to play our necessary role”.

Russian lawmaker urges U.S. to comply with nuclear deal

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Igor Morozov, a member of the Federation Council’s (upper house) International Affairs Committee has declared his firm convinction on the importance of the observation of the treaties, as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly called the nuclear deal. He also added that Tehran is quite right in accusing the U.S. of stalling the implementation of the nuclear deal, even if Iran should improve his countermeasures for America and recreating a system of defense and alliance with the partners.

Ayatollah Khamenei said: Islamic Establishment’s growing influence has enraged the US

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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described the country’s strategic depth in the world, especially in the region, as a major accomplishment, and said the Islamic Establishment’s growing influence has enraged the US.“Iran’s growing influence and nations’ support for the Islamic Establishment are our solid backbone and this fact has angered the Americans and made their analysts look for ways to counter Iran’s rising influence,” he have said. The Leader further referred to struggling against hegemonic powers and not trusting them as a certainty for the Islamic Establishment.

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC): Forbidden to Interfere in presidential election

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Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari made it clear that the IRGC personnel are not allowed to get involved in political activities for the upcoming presidential election.“Like in the past, nobody in the IRGC, neither the guards (IRGC troops) nor the commanders, is permitted to interfere in the elections politically or factionally and to discredit the candidates”, he have said.  Iran is going to hold its 12th presidential election on May 19.

The Zionist regime is trying weaken the relations between Iran and Azerbaijan

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Speaking at a meeting with visiting Azeri President IlhamAliyev in Tehran, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution underlined that enemies are upset about the cordial relations between Iran and the Azerbaijan Republic.“The evil Zionist regime is trying more than all other enemies to weaken the brotherly relations between Iran and Azerbaijan and, (so) in return, the cordial ties (between Tehran and Baku) must be safeguarded”, Imam Khamenei said. The Leader mentioned common religion as the most important factor that creates a sense of closeness and relationship between the people of the two country. “Iran and Azerbaijan have always been, and still are, close together and the fact that about one million Azeri people traveled to Iran last year is just an example of these cultural and religious ties and commonalities” have said the Ayatollah Khamenei.

video showing Turkish policemen beating some Iranian nationals, Iranian Ambassador seriously follow up on the issue

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Iranian Ambassador to Turkey Mohammad EbrahimTaherianFard made assurances that the Islamic Republic’s Foreign Ministry will not allow disrespect for its citizens in neighboring countries and will show proper reaction. TaherianFard reacted to a video footage recently published in social media showing Turkish policemen beating some Iranian nationals in Gürbulak border checkpoint, saying the authenticity of the footage has not been confirmed yet and is under investigation and he added, the Iranian embassy in Turkey will seriously follow up on the issue.

Rouhani met Sharif: necessity for closer cooperation between Iran and Pakistan in the fight against terrorism

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, in a meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, underlined the necessity for closer cooperation between the two neighboring countries in economic fields and in strengthening security along their joint borders. The first have said: “Our borders should remain borders of brotherhood and friendship in a bid to prevent terrorist groups from taking advantage of them” and “To that end” Rouhani added “we are ready for closer cooperation in the fight against terrorism which is a menace for all sides”. He described the two countries economic ties in the past year as “progressive” and at the same time noted that the two sides enjoy abundant capacity to further deepen their ties.The other part said ‏that Iran and Pakistan are “brothers and neighbors” and will remain together irrespective of all possible challenges.

Iranian FM criticized Western countries for their failure to fight against global drug war

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Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad JavadZarif criticized Western countries for their failure to effectively fight against global narcotics trafficking. “West’s failure to prevent drug trafficking is a major problem. The fight against drug smuggling should not be politicized”, Zarif said Monday in a meeting with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Executive Director YuryFedotov in Tehran. Voicing the Islamic Republic’s readiness to increase its cooperation with the UNODC in the global fight against illicit drugs, the Iranian minister said Iran is paying a high price for its contribution to the battle against narcotics and other countries should take on more responsibility and equally pay the price for the sake of security.Iran is on a major transit route for drugs being smuggled from Afghanistan to Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

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