
Redazione - page 308

Redazione has 3168 articles published.

Hot Spot – The Crisis Areas

BreakingNews @en di

There are several hot spot in the world. The International press shown below talk about geopolitical crisis, wars and clashes in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and South America.


October 3
The Syrian military has called on antigovernment forces to lay down their weapons and evacuate the
besieged city of Aleppo, which is under a severe aerial attack by Syrian and Russian aircraft. The call on October
2 came as Syrian and Russian planes unleashed dozens of air strikes on the rebels and some 250,000 civilians still
living in the different parts of Aleppo controlled by antigovernment forces. In the meantime Stephen O’Brien, the
UN humanitarian aid chief for Syria, called again for immediate international action to stop the attack on the
city, which is Syria’s largest.

Kirbin US State Department spokesman announced the stop to the ceasefire dialogue with Russia and set
up a joint military cell to target terrorists. The comunications between the two countries continue to avoid
“incidents” in reciprocal counterterrorism actions in Syria.

October 4
A suicide bomber struck a wedding in northeast Syria as the bride and groom were exchanging vows, killing
32 people and wounding dozens. The bomber blew himself up late Monday in the village of Tall Tawil in the
Hassakeh province where a Kurdish party official was getting married. About 100 people were wounded,
according to the medical source in the city who gave the updated toll.

October 5
A Turkish soldier has been killed in clashes with Islamic State group militants in northern Syria, Turkish
media reported on Wednesday.Three other soldiers were slightly injured in the confrontation which left 18 IS
dead militants in Ziyara, east of al-Rai town, Anadolu news agency said.

The US State Department said in a statement on Tuesday that the United States is looking to reconsider
multilateral and unilateral options for dealing with the ongoing conflict in Syria, including diplomatic, military,
intelligence, and economic options.


September 28
The EU’s memo regarding Afghanistan has been leaked ahead of the Brussels summit making the aid to Afghanistan conditional on acceptance of at least 80,000 deported asylum seekers.

Scores of civilians were allegedly killed in a US airstrike that had targeted the Daesh terrorists in the
eastern Nangarhar province, local officials said. A US drone targeted the hideouts of the Daesh terrorists on
Wednesday’s pre-dawn in the Achin district.


September 28
The Supreme Political Council ratified an implementation mechanism to carry out general Amnesty. The resolution made in a meeting here presided by president Saleh al-Sammad and published by official gazette on Wednesday.

Saudi aggression warplanes resumed bombing the capital Sanaa early on Wednesday. They struck alHafa area south of the capital four times.

September 29
The Saudi war jets on Thursday waged an air raid on Serwah district of Mareb province.

In a joint statement presented to the UN Human Rights Council, Save The Children and other international organizations said that more than three million people have displaced due to the ongoing conflict in Yemen forcing two thirds of them to leave their houses for 10 months or more.

October 1
Two citizens were killed on Saturday in Saudi raids on Attan area in the Capital Sana’a.


Arabia Saudita
September 28
A report developed by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance revealed a rise in the
number of terrorist attacks during the holy month of Ramadan, amounting to 53 attacks around the world, which
killed 1,576 people and wounded 2,556 Others. Such Attacks ingnore the fact that the holy month is about
forgiveness and worship.

September 29
Police arrested five people, (four foreigners and one Saudi), for links with terrorist groups and
recent terror operations in the Kingdom. The five, arrested this week, are two Syrians, one residing in the
Kingdom, one Indian and one Pakistani residing in the country, and a Saudi. The five are currently detained in
public security prisons and undergoing investigations, security sources said.

October 1
Since his appointment as crown prince in April 2015, Prince Mohammed bin Naif has been assisting
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman in formulating and implementing the Kingdom’s policies on
internal and external fronts.

October 3
Houthi rebels in Yemen are posing a threat to shipping in the strategic Bab Al-Mandab strait, the
Arab coalition supporting the government said Sunday after an attack on an Emirati vessel. The strait is a major
shipping lane between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden leading into the Indian Ocean.


September 28
The head of the Presidential Council (PC) of the Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez Al-Sarraj,
met, on Tuesday, the French President, François Hollande, and the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault,
in Paris. Al-Sarraj, who met Hollande and Ayrault separately, told the French side that any intelligence or
military intervention in Libya must be agreed and coordinated with the PC in Tripoli.

UN Special Envoy Martin Kobler has called for end to illegal migrants being arbitrarily detained, abused
and treated as criminals. The plight of migrants travelling through Libya, particularly those from Sub-Saharan
Africa, is horrific and “utterly unacceptable”, the envoy says. Libya needs to establish an asylum system for
migrants as soon as possible, he believes. Additionally, those who are detained need better protection,
particularly female migrants whom, he says, are liable to sexual abuse.

October 2
The media office of Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous has revealed that its forces lost 8 fighters in the fight on the
outskirts of neighborhood 3 in Sirte against IS militants Sunday, in addition to more than 50 injuries.The media
office confirmed also that a Dutch photographer journalist, Jeroen Oerlemans , was killed in the clashes today.

October 3
Libyan forces of Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous resumed attacks on Sunday against IS militants, who are currently
trapped in their former stronghold of Sirte – specifically inside neighborhood 3 – losing at least six of their
fighters, according to a field hospital casualty list. The list named six killed fighters, three of them from the city of Misurata. In the morning, Libyan forces’ fighter aircraft carried out 6 airstrikes on IS militants in Sirte paving the way for infantry troops to advance into final spots in neighbourhood 3. Reports from Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous said about 10 Is terrorists were killed in Sunday attacks too.

Libyan pro-government forces killed at least 10 Daesh group fighters as they attempted to flee
their besieged stronghold of Sirte, the country’s unity government said on Sunday.


September 28
Israel’s ninth President and former Prime Minister Shimon Peres dies at 93 after suffering a major stroke.

Hamas welcomed the death of former Israeli President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres Wednesday,
calling him a “criminal”, while the Palestinian Authority made no official comment. In the Gaza Strip, a
spokesman for the Islamist Hamas terrorist organization commented on Peres’ death, saying that “The Palestinian
people are happy at the death of this criminal. “Shimon Peres was one of the last Israeli founders of occupation.
His death marks the end of an era in the history of the Israeli occupation”.

October 2
Indictments were filed Sunday against six Israeli Arabs from the Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem,
who were accused of forming an ISIS cell and plotting to carry out attacks against Israelis.

October 5
The Obama administration has “strongly” condemned Israel for plans to construct housing on land in Judea
and Samaria, saying it calls Israel’s commitment to a negotiated agreement into question.

Palestinian terrorist in Gaza fired a rocket at Sderot on Wednesday morning, setting off air raid sirens and
narrowly missing homes. The rocket exploded in a road in the southern town, failing to cause physical injuries,
but sending one local resident into shock. Following the attack, an ISIS-linked Salafi jihadists in Gaza claimed


September 29
Two Palestinian families in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina were forced to
demolish their own homes for being built without licenses on Wednesday, in order to avoid the expensive
demolition fines imposed by the Jerusalem municipality when its employees carry out the demolition themselves.
Between the two families, 15 Palestinians were displaced as a result of the demolitions. Owner of one of the
homes Imad Jaber told Ma’an he was forced to rent a bulldozer to demolish his house, after receiving an order
from the municipality.

October 2
Israeli Occupation Authorities on Sunday decided to close down the Ibrahimi mosque for six days during
the month of October, and open it only for Jewish Israeli settlers. Local sources in Hebron said that the mosque
will be closed down for Muslims during the days (3, 4, 6, 12, 18, 19 October) while Israeli settlers will be given
full privilige of entering it. In addition, IOF has been intensely preventing the Muslim call for prayers (Adan), and searching Palestinian worshippers upon entrance.

October 3
Some 45 right-wing Israelis escorted by Israeli forces toured the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Monday on
the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. Witnesses said that the group entered the compound
through the Moroccan Gate and later exited through the Chain Gate after performing religious rituals under
armed guard, in violation of long-standing agreements regarding non-Muslim prayer at the compound.

October 5
Israeli tanks on Wednesday morning struck a ‘Hamas site’ in Beit Hanoun city in the Gaza strip, after a
rocket was reportedly fired on Sderot northeast of the strip.No casualties were reported on either side. Israel hit
the stripe despite no immediate claim of responsibility. The area was closed off and bomb disposal teams were
working at the site, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

Israeli authorities on Wednesday morning lifted a general closure that had been imposed on all passage for
Palestinians traveling between the occupied West Bank and Israel and between the blockaded Gaza Strip and
Israel, which was implemented on Sunday for the three-day Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah.


September 28
Hashem Shehab known as Khodr Kaddoura– prominent figure in “Fath Al-Islam– handed himself in to Army
Intelligence members.

State Security forces raided this morning a Syrian refugee camp in the Baalback town of Sarhin, and
apprehended 8 Syrians for clandestine entrance to Lebanon.

September 29
Military Investigative Judge Fadi Sawwan Thursday charged five individuals with belonging to terror

Three men were wounded Wednesday evening in a landmine explosion along south Lebanon’s border with

October 5
The United Nations Strategic Framework for Lebanon was signed Thursday by U.N. Deputy Special
Coordinator and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon Philippe Lazzarini, and Secretary-General of
the Cabinet Fouad Fleifel.



September 28
The militant group “Sinai Province” claimed it targeted an army infantry patrol on Monday evening using
several improvised explosive devices (IED) in the Abu Refai region south of Sheikh Zuweid city, according to a
statement. The group also asserted that the operation resulted in the death and injury of several army officers
and conscripts.

Three police officers and a taxi driver were killed in a militant attack on their car in North Sinai’s Al Arish
on Wednesday morning.

September 29
Egypt is closely following the progress of the 9/11 bill in the US and its impact on international relations in
the upcoming period, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Ahmed Abou Zeid. According to Abou
Zeid, Egypt agrees that President Barack Obama’s veto against the legislation aligns with international law and
the standards of international diplomatic relations; in addition, it ensures equality and justice and not imposing
internal laws on other countries.

The Cairo Court of Urgent Matters decided on Thursday to suspend the administrative judiciary’s ruling on
the invalidity of the Tiran and Sanafir islands transfer agreement, according to lawyer Khaled Ali. The rights
lawyer said that the defense team will take all legal measures to reverse Thursday’s ruling.

October 2
Five conscripts from the Central Security Forces (CSF) were killed on Saturday evening in an armed attack that targeted their private vehicle while they were driving through Al-Arish city, located in North Sinai. The militants launched the attack from a private vehicle near Al-Arish First District Police Station, opening fire on the conscripts as they returned from holiday.

October 3
A child was killed and two other children were injured in early Monday morning artillery shelling by
the Saudi-paid aggression mercenaries on citizens’ houses in al-Masllob district of Jawf province.


October 2
The federal government has restated its willingness to negotiate with the Boko Haram to free the over 200
girls kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Borno State, in 2014.

October 5
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is selling two of his jets in a bid to cut costs as the West African
country battles to overcome a recession.


October 4
Attacks targeting a camp in northern Mali operated by the United Nations peacekeeping mission on
Monday killed one soldier from Chad and wounded eight others, the UN officials said. Olivier Salgado,
spokesperson for the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, said on Monday that after a mortar attack on the camp in
Aguelhok, in the northern Kidal region around 14:00, two vehicles hit improvised explosive devices. According to
preliminary information, four different attacks targeted the UN personnel at the camp in Aguelhok. No group has
claimed responsibility for the attack.




September 28
Brazilian Senator Gleisi Hoffmann and her husband, Paulo Bernardo Silva, who both served in the ousted
government of former President Dilma Rousseff, were indicted on Tuesday by the Supreme Court on corruption
and money laundering charges in the Petrobras graft investigation.

October 4
Brazil’s Workers Party suffered its worst-ever result at the polls as voters used Sunday’s local elections
to punish it for a deep recession and a series of corruption scandals. After 13 years in power the party saw its
vote collapse across Brazil in a dramatic confirmation that it is now fighting to retain a seat at the top table of
Brazilian politics following the impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff in August and the decision last month to
try party founder and former president Lula da Silva for corruption.


September 29
Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño are the most likely to receive
the next Nobel Peace Prize after successfully negotiating an end to half a century of armed conflict, news agency
Reuters reported Thursday.

October 2
Colombia takes to the polls Sunday for a referendum in which the electorate is asked to either ratify or
reject a peace deal between the state and the country’s largest leftist rebel group. The stakes are exceptionally
high as a “Yes” vote for the deal will mean the end of the country’s largest, oldest and most-feared rebel group
and the beginning of a comprehensive, 10-year peace process. A “No” vote would stop this process in its tracks
without there being a Plan B.

October 3
President Juan Manuel Santos will hold talks today with the leaders of all political parties in search of a
broad consensus after Columbians voted ”No” in a referendum called to validate the peace agreements made with
the FARC-EP.


September 28
Cuba has reaffirmed the willingness to support the international fight against racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, during the UN Human Rights Council, whose sessions
continues today.

The world”s second largest duty-free zone, located in the Caribbean city of Colon, in northern Panama,
is saling in the troubled waters of demand and supply, and a shipwreck seems to be the only destination.

September 29
Cuba’s mission to UNESCO called today for a world free of nuclear weapons, after remembering the serious
danger they represent for world peace and the survival of humanity. In a statement spread on occasion of the
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, held on Monday, September 26, the permanent
delegation stressed the importance of prioritizing the issue in the current world situation, characterized by
serious threats to international peace and security.



September 28
Libya’s Gen. Khalifa Haftar, who leads forces loyal to Tobruk-based Council of Deputies, has requested
Russia to send small arms and equipment

September 29
On Wednesday, John Kerry told Sergei Lavrov that Washington is prepared to suspend bilateral
engagement with Moscow in Syria, unless Russia takes immediate steps to end Syrian operation in the city of
Aleppo and reinstates the ceasefire. In the meantime, Russian General Staff said that Russian experts will travel
to Geneva to resume a consultation with the United States on looking for a new agreement on Syria’s ceasefire.

Moscow refused the American proposal to establish a truce of seven days, according to Russian authorities
this time it would have been used by terrorists to regroup their forces. Russians suggested 48-hours pauses but
Americans refused this proposal. Anyway, Moscow asserted that the only possible solution is diplomatic way and
it accused US to be unable to respect its obligation and promise, made after the agreement of 9th September.

October 2
Primary elections were held in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. After the election, lists of candidates for local government positions will be formed in accordance with the Minsk Agreements.

October 3
On 3rd of October, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered suspension of the plutonium disposal
agreement with the United States over Washington unfriendly actions towards Russia. According to Russian
authorities the new international instability needs to urgent measures to protect the security of Russia. Sergey
Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, added that Moscow will not allow Washington to talk with Russia in a force
language, sanctions and ultimatums while hoping for cooperation in certain areas.


September 28
The Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOKİ) has undertaken the construction of the
remaining 700 kilometers of the wall being built on Turkey’s border with war-torn Syria, after the construction of
the initial 200-kilometer-long concrete wall on the border was completed jointly by the Defense Ministry and
neighboring provinces governor’s offices.

October 2
One soldier was killed and five were injured in a mortar attack by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’
Party (PKK) in the Çukurca district of the southeastern province of Hakkari on Oct. 1.






September 28
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine has reported a surge in explosions in Donetsk region
alone to 187 on September 27 from 24 blasts on September 26. Most of the ceasefire violations were recorded in
the Avdiyivka-Yasynuvata-Donetsk airport triangle area, including 180 explosions.

October 3
Combined Russian-separatist forces attacked Ukrainian army positions in eastern Ukraine 48 times in the
past 24 hours, including 20 times in the Mariupol sector, 12 times in the Donetsk sector and 16 times in the
Luhansk sector, according to the press center of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) headquarters.




Colombians say No to referendum and Yes to democracy

Americas di

On Sunday 3 October, Colombians went to the polls to decide whether to ratify a peace deal that would have brought an end to Latin America’s longest running armed conflict. After four years of talks, the agreement signed by President Juan Manuel Santos and the head of the FARC, was supposed to end half a century of fighting which has killed a quarter of a million people.

The head of the government’s negotiating team Humberto de la Calle told some days earlier: “Those who vote YES will not only end the FARC as an armed organization, but open new convenient and useful roads for Colombia. People have a right to vote NO, but it is important that they know the consequences of their vote. I hope that all of us as Colombians decide the country’s future”.

Announcing the accord, FARC’s chief negotiator Rodrigo Londono, so-called “Timochenko” said: “We have agreed unanimously to end the conflict and to build a stable and lasting peace with the firm conviction that within it lies the seeds of transformation that the vast majority of people and the whole country are striving for.” FARC leaders and the Colombian government started peace talks in Cuba in November 2012, and since then, they have discussed about the conditions for peace, which concerned the concessions to make to the rebels and what kind of justice they should face. The government’s agreement with the FARC won the support of the United States, the United Nations and Pope Francis. Ringo Starr even recorded a song for it, which shows the need for peace shared throughout the world. But, as we all well know, voters rejected the landmark deal as too lenient on the rebels. The Sunday’s results were a shock to the Santos government and the peace deal’s supporters, as well as to the country that plunged into uncertainty.

We shall now try briefly to explain the reasons why there was a NO vote.

First of all, we’re talking about a quite complex agreement, of more than 290 pages, in which the most critical point is the transitional justice talks, which means what would happen to FARC guerrillas, such as those who have killed almost 260,000 Colombians, 80% of which were civilians. “Would they be imprisoned or not?” was the big question, the most critical discussions which lasted several months. Under the terms of the deal, the FARC would have been able to transform from guerilla army to political party with 10 unelected congressional seats, guaranteed until 2026, 5 seats of which in the Senate and 5 in the Lower House, to compete in the 2018 presidential and legislative elections.

The estimated 7000 FARC fighters were supposed to hand over their weapons and move into 28 disarmament zones set up by the UN. FARC members would have received a 2-year pension and a one-off payment of 610 euros. Furthermore, in order to combat drug crime, FARC agreed to stop cocaine production in its strongholds. In return, the government would have helped farmers earn a new living. However, nevertheless the group publicly admitted for the first time it trafficked drugs, recruited minors and committed human rights violations, including massacres, amnesty would have been granted for political crimes. However, voters were worried the rebels would fail to turn over assets from drugs and illegal mining, which would potentially give them a formidable opportunity to outstrip the coffers of traditional political parties.

On the other hand, once the government announces the referendum results, the agreement would have been implemented progressively according to its timeline, that’s why it would have taken anyway a long term for Colombia to achieve real stability.

The angered “No” campaigners argued in fact that the rebels should serve jail terms and not be allowed to enter politics. The former President, Alvaro Uribe, said that a better agreement could be negotiated. “We – the No voters – say in solidarity to those for Yes that we want peace too. Our concern is with the fear of seeing a weakening of democracy in our constitution in the face of terrorism”.

President Juan Manuel Santos said there is no Plan B for the failure of the plebiscite vote. In the meantime, Timochenko stated on Monday that the peace accord is legally binding because it was signed by Santos. With the deal at risk of collapse, a half-century war that has killed more than 220,000 and displaced eight million, could easily flare up again, a scenario that seemed unimaginable before Sunday. The Colombian government and the FARC have no choice but to renegotiate, to rework the deal and make it more appealing to the voters.

 Roberta Ciampo

Death toll rises in Baghdad, as IS strikes again

South Asia di
Tension and, especially, violence are mounting in Iraq. As the Armerd Forces’ final offensive on Mosul approaches, IS keeps responding by hitting the nation’s capital city, Baghdad. According to multiple reports, based on information provided by federal police sources, three separate bombings and two suicide attacks killed a total of at least 12 civilians, wounding as many people, between Monday Oct. 3 and Tuesday Oct. 4, in the city centre as well as in Baghdad’s surroundings. These are just the latest episodes in a long run of attacks on the Iraqi capital, which has been continuously struck by bombs and suicide attacks organized by IS’ small groups or so-called “lone wolves” throughout the last two years and a half.
Federico Trastulli

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi spotted inside Mosul

Defence/Far East di

Two huge pieces of news emerged from Iraq midway through last week, as the mission to free the surrounding areas of Mosul began to unfold.

First off, on the 20th of September a source within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Iraq revealed to Iraqi broadcast company Al-Sumaria that IS’ current leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had been spotted inside the city of Mosul just a few days earlier.
Al-Baghdadi was reportedly seen in public gatherings and while driving a white car in the streets of Mosul, escorted by four armed men. According to international sources, IS’ most prominent figure reached the Iraqi capital city of the self-proclaimed “caliphate” to try and diminish discontent within the residents of the area, allegedly caused by the imminent offensive for the liberation of Mosul of the government forces and their allies.
Experts are still trying to understand whether the photograph provided to Al-Sumaria network, which portraits al-Baghdadi meeting people in a mosque or at a market, is authentic or not – and if it was actually taken in the recent past. Meanwhile, the government source asked to remain anonymous for security reasons.
The latest news on IS chemical weapons are equally worrying. The Pentagon held a press conference on Thursday and stated that laboratory tests and in-depth analysis carried out immediately after IS’ attack on Qayyara military base (which occurred two days earlier) confirmed the use of so-called “mustard gas”. This is a very powerful chemical weapon firstly exploited during World War I, which contains yprite.
Despite IS certainly hit with chemical weapons in the past, the US Department of Defense confirmation of the use of mustard gas is the first one coming from a very reliable and influential source, and it raised concerns among the international community.
Federico Trastulli

France: 8 people arrested in connection with nice attack

BreakingNews @en di

French security forces arrested eight people suspected of having links to the July 14 truck attack in Nice that killed nearly 90 people, the Paris prosecutor’s office said Sept. 20, AP reported. It is still unclear what role those arrested may have played in the attack, which was carried out by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel. Speaking on Sept. 20, France’s interior minister said police have arrested around 300 people in 2016 suspected of having ties with extremist networks. 

Libya: Military Helicopter Crash Kills At Least 5

Middle East - Africa di

At least five people died in a military helicopter crash about 65 km (40 miles) from the eastern Libyan city of Tobruk, military sources said, the Libya Herald reported Sept. 20. A senior advisor to the president of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives was among those killed, sources said. The crash may have been due to technical issues. Nearly five years after the death of former leader Moammar Gadhafi, the political situation in Libya is as muddled as ever.

Hot Spot – The Crisis Areas

BreakingNews @en di

There are several hot spot in the world. The events shown below talk about geopolitical crisis, wars and clashes in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia.


September 9 The construction of the 3rd segment connecting Iran and Afghanistan started this morning. Ceremony was attended by Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Akhundi, Mahmoud Baligh, Afghanistan’s Minister of Public Works, and Eklil Ahmad Hakimi, Afghanistan’s Minister of Finance on Thursday at the border point of Chahsorkh in Herat Province of Afghanistan.


September 10 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov reach a ceasefire deal from September 12.

September 12 The Russian special envoy for the Middle East and African countries declared that intra-syrian dialogue could restar in early October. He also said that the new deal reached by U.S. and Russia doesn’t mean the imposition of no-fly zones on syrian territory, but could give a positive effect on the peace process.

September 15 Violence in Syria importantly dropped following the ceasefir, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said. He added that the United Nations is ready to prepared a humanitarian convoy, when Damascus governemnt will give all legal permissions.


September 12 Intermittent explosions have been heard since early morning coming from Shebaa Farms and the extremities of Golan. The echo of explosive sounds could be heard as far as Shebaa and Marj Ayoun.
Syrian Army and Hezbollah killed five ISIS militants in the western Qalamoun region.

September 13 An Israeli gunboat launched an explosive device into the water of Lebanon’s southern coast.
No casualties after that a landmine exploded in Marjeyoun under a vehicle belonging to the Spanish.



September 10 PKK militants detonated a bomb-laden vehicle near a police checkpoint in front of the provincial headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the central Beşyol area.

September 12 Militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) were killed in airstrikes by Turkish jets in the Şemdinli.



September 9  Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) activated a contingency plan following a suspected nuclear test by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

China is ready to participate in the United Nations’ new fast-response peacekeeping force. Minister of National Defense Chang Wanquan said on Thursday that Beijing will fully support the UN Peacekeeping Department’s initiative to set up a “vanguard brigade” of 4,000 rapidly deployable troops.

September 13 China and Vietnam will work together to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea and manage and control disputes, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang told Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.


September 9 India and the 18-nation East Asia summit members reaffirmed their support to promote nuclear disarmament and nuclear non proliferation.

September 10 A guy was killed by security forces during protests in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian district on Saturday.


September 10 At least 4 terrorists and a security guard were killed by paramilitary forces in Punjab’s Rajanpur district on Saturday.

September 13 At least 10 people, including 4 policemen, were injured by a suicide bomber during Eidul Azha prayers in an Imambargah at Shikarpur district’s Khanpur tehsil.



September 12 A female suicide bomber was near a military checkpoint in Dikwa. Explosion injured three soldiers at the checkpoint.

September 14 Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate (NDGJM) said that its strike forces brought down the Afiesere Ere-Iwhenene major delivery line in Delta State. Oil Minister Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, the head of state oil firm NNPC Maikanti Baru and Nigerian government stepped up efforts to keep fuel flowing into Nigeria without repeating the price increase of May and risking civil unrest.
September 12 Libyan National Army lead by General Khalifa Haftar on Sunday seized the three strategic oil ports of Ras Lanuf, Sidra and Brega from the outlaw militias that have controlled the facilities since 2013.

September 13 Italy is ready to send 200 soldiers and 100 deploy medics in Libya, as Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti declared.

September 15 LNA’s takeover of three eastern oil terminals divided the Presidency Council. Meanwhile, both General Khalifa Hafter and the President of the House of Representatives Ageela Saleh called for oil exports to restart the terminals.


September 13 A police vehicle was targeted by an improvised explosive device in the North Sinai city of Al–Arish but should have not caused injuries or deaths.


September 13 500 jihadists should have received training over the special forces in US military bases for years, Alon Ben-Meir, a political analyst, revealed.




Iran Afghanistan Railway, 3rd segment construction started today

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

The construction of the 3rd segment connecting Iran and Afghanistan started this morning. The ceremony was attended by Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development Abbas Akhundi, Mahmoud Baligh, Afghanistan’s Minister of Public Works, and Eklil Ahmad Hakimi, Afghanistan’s Minister of Finance on Thursday at the border point of Chahsorkh in Herat Province of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s Minister of Finance Hakimi said that the rail track would boost the volume of trade between Iran and Afghanistan.

Turkey: Military Makes Second Syrian Incursion

Defence di

Turkey sent tanks over the Syrian border for the second time Sept. 3, crossing into al Rai, Kilis province, from Cobanbey, Dogan news reported.

The military also launched artillery strikes on the area, which has changed hands frequently between Islamic State and rebel forces. Turkey’s first incursion occurred Aug. 24 at the city of Jarabulus 55 kilometers (34 miles) northeast. Also on Sept. 3, Turkish-backed Hamza Brigade and Failaq al-Sham rebels took control of the Syrian villages of Arab Ezra, Fursan, Lilawa, Kino and Najma.

These communities are all west of Jarabulus. After clearing a path for its troops to enter Syria, Turkey is now fully involved in a military campaign in northern Aleppo province. Turkey is attempting to move the Islamic State away from the border and, at the same time, prevent Kurdish militants in the Syrian Democratic Forces from establishing a foothold.



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